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Brechtel PCVI流量控制器用户手册

下载次数:427 浏览次数:413发布时间:2017-06-15 20:06
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Your Alicat instrument is a precision device and Alicat strongly

recommends that you send it to us on a yearly basis for recalibration.

A yearly recalibration does a few things:

► It insures that your unit is functioning according to specification.

► Contamination may cause the instrument to measure flow

improperly. Recalibration insures the instrument is clean and free

from debris.

► Recalibration maintains your LIFETIME WARRANTY!

Sending your unit for recalibration is easy and inexpensive. Recalibrations

are usually shipped within five days of receipt, so it’s fast too.

Please keep the original box to return your Alicat instrument for recalibration.

For more information regarding recalibration see page 51.


Now that you have your Alicat instrument are you sure you’ve got

everything you need? Alicat accessories can make your job easier.

Many of our customers also order:

► Power Supplies — A universal wall power supply that makes it easy

to power your Alicat unit just about anywhere in the world.

► BB9 — Alicat’s multi-drop box that allows easy connection of up to

nine Alicat instruments to a single USB, RS-232 or RS-485 port.

► MD8DB9 — An RS-232 to 8 pin Mini-DIN cable to connect your

Alicat instrument to a computer. A variety of other cables are also


► Flow Vision™ SC — A GUI based Windows®program that allows easy

computer access and control for one or multiple Alicat instruments.

► Fittings and filters — Keep your instrument properly connected to

your process and free from harmful contamination.

See pages 55 - 58 for a complete description and list of Alicat accessories


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