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BUCK Libra Plus™ LP-1 Pump原版产品资料

下载次数:221 浏览次数:261发布时间:2017-08-21 17:39
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The BUCK Libra Plus™ LP-1 personal air sampler consists of a pump contained in a high impact steel

fiber filled Lexan, antistatic, and RFI/EMI-shielded case, exclusive electronic circuit board for constant

flow control (patent pending), an LCD display with 2 lines of 16 characters, a single diaphragm pump

mechanism, and a rechargeable NiMH battery pack.The purpose of this pump is to draw air contaminants

in through a sampling media such as long-duration color detector tubes and absorbent sample tubes; to

gauge personal exposure to gases, vapors,

particulates, aerosols, etc.

No tools are required to operate this pump and a password protected keypad locking system provides

uninterrupted operation. The main display allows quick selection to RUN (for sampling) or MENU (to

reset pumps data)

Other features include elapsed time, flow rate, and accumulated volume. The built in timer counts down

the sampling time up to 40 hours and automatically turns the pump off with all data is saved.


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