SwemaTerminal 3是SwemaFlow 235,236,125D,126,4000,SwemaMan 7/8,SwemaAir 5,Swema 03,03+和Swema 05的免费软件。使用SwemaTerminal 3,您可以进行在线测量和记录,打印校准证书, 更改设置,升级固件和显示图形和统计信息。
下载SwemaTerminal 3。
完成设置后,将探头/仪器和PC之间的USB电缆连接(需要打开仪器)。 PC将自动安装必要的驱动程序。
如果驱动程序安装没有成功,您还可以手动执行。 打开设备管理器,右键单击“未知设备”并更新驱动程序。 驱动程序可以在“C:/ Program Files / Swema”找到(确保选中了“包含的子文件夹”框)。
SwemaTerminal 3 is a free software for SwemaFlow 235, 236, 125D, 126, 4000, SwemaMan 7/8, SwemaAir 5, Swema 03, 03+ and Swema 05. With SwemaTerminal 3 you can do online measurement and logging, print calibration certificate, change settings, upgrade firmware and show graphs and statistics.
Download SwemaTerminal 3.
Unzip the file and run the setup file.
When the setup is done connect the USB cable between the probe/instrument and PC (you need to turn the instrument ON). The PC will now install the necessary drivers automatically.
In case the driver installation doesn`t succeed you can also do manually. Open the device manager, right click on "unknown device" and update driver. The drivers can be found at "C:/Program Files/Swema" (make sure that the box "included sub folders" is checked).