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TSI 3400A流化床气溶胶发生器原版资料

下载次数:275 浏览次数:333发布时间:2017-09-06 17:26
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TSI流化床气溶胶发生器型号3400A 包含一个流化床室和粉末储存器。 流化床



During operation, a bead chain meters powder into the fluidized bed.

As air forces its way up through the screen and into the bed, it creates

a boiling action, which deagglomerates the powder and causes it to be

carried upward by the airflow through a vertical elutriator.

A cyclone at the top of the vertical elutriator prevents any particles that

are not fully deagglomerated from being dispersed. With a flow rate of

9 liters/min, the cyclone allows only respirable dust† to be generated.

Separate flowmeters measure the bed flow rate and the bead purge

flow rate.

The powder reservoir is equipped with a gear-driven rake that rocks

back and forth, preventing the formation of a channel in the powder

due to the movement of the bead chain through the powder reservoir.

This assures a constant, even feed rate into the fluidized bed chamber.

The airflow pattern through the porous screen further stabilizes the

concentration of the output aerosol


+ Particle size range from 0.5 to 40 µm

+ Bed of bronze beads breaks up powder agglomerates

+ Stable output and concentration


+ Generating dust for inhalation and toxicology studies

+ Evaluating performance and calibrating dust samplers and monitors

+ Dust erosion in high-speed gas flows

+ Generating particles for laser velocimeter applications


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