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1. Introduction

The Comet software is a utility for extracting information (data, alarms, settings, etc.) from Met

One Instruments products. Comet does not support all Met One products, however most key

products are supported.

This installation guide will help you to install Comet and navigate to the integrated help system.

The help system provides comprehensive information about operation, data storage and various


2. Installation

The CD-ROM is configured to AutoPlay. If successful, the following screen should appear. If it

does not appear then right-click on the CD Drive and select AutoPlay or navigate to the CD

drive and double-click on AutoRun.bat.

2.1. USB Drivers

The USB drivers are need only for Met One Instruments devices which have a USB interface

port. If your device has a USB interface, it is recommended that you load the USB drivers before

installing the Comet software. This only needs to be done once for each computer that you use

with Comet.

WARNING Do Not connect the USB cable between the host computer and the Met One product

until the correct USB drivers are loaded. Connecting the USB device before the correct drivers

are loaded will cause Windows to load a generic driver which will not work with the device. 

2.2. Setup Wizard

The Comet software requires the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 be installed as a prerequisite.

As part of the installation process the setup will install this component if it is not present. Once

the installation of the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 has completed the Comet installation will


If all of the prerequisites are met then the Comet software installation begins. The Comet Setup

Wizard screen is shown in Figure 1. To begin installation of the Comet software, press the

“Next” button to continue. To cancel installation of the Comet software, press the “Cancel”


Figure 1 – Setup Wizard

2.3. License Agreement

The license agreement window will appear (Figure 2). Read the license agreement, select “I

Agree” and press the “Next” button. 


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