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Surface Preparation

Substrates must be dry and free of contaminants (dirt, grease, powder, and other

residues)before application of Emralon 333. Excellent results can be obtained without pretreatment.However,

for maximum wear characteristics the following pre-treatment’s are

recommended:heat stable phosphate coating* or grit blasting for steel; grit blasting or heat

stable conversioncoating for aluminum.


Emralon 333 is supplied ready for use, but it should be mixed thoroughly by stirring. For

bestresults, use a low speed propeller-type mixer. Do not vortex or agitate violently, as

airentrapment or foaming may cause separation of solids.


Emralon 333 is normally applied by spray techniques. An external atomizing type gun

usingan MBC #30 nozzle is recommended. Optimum coating thickness is 0.001 inch

(25.4microns). USE ONLY SB-3 SOLVENT FOR CLEAN-UP. Incompatible solvents will

cause gunblockage. Emralon 333can be overcoated for repair purposes without removing

the entireoriginal film. Sand lightly or use steel wool to feather the edges of the area to be

repaired.Light abrasion of the surrounding areas is also recommended for maximum

adhesion. Thenapply Emralon 333, using the same spray procedures as for the initial

application. Follow thestandard cure cycle as stated below.


Emralon 333 may be cured by exposure to any of the time/temperature conditions

indicated inthe following table. It is essential that the high boiling solvents in Emralon

333be removedgradually before the cure is completed or the coating will be marred by

blisters. Gradualremoval of the solvent can be accomplished by preheating the coating for

ten minutes at149°C (300°F) or 177°C (350°F) before curing.

For example, typical cure cycles are:


(a) 149°C (300°F) 10 min.

(b) 149°C (300°F) 10 min.

(c) 149°C (300°F) 10 min.

(d) 177°C (350°F) 10 min.

(e) 177°C (350°F) 10 min.

260°C (500°F)/ 15 min.

288°C (550°F)/ 9 min.

316°C (600°F)/ 5 min.

371°C (700°F)/ 1 min.

399°C (750°F)/ ½ min. 


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