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Topas ATM-243气溶胶发生器原版资料

The oil is atomised via 3No. discrete shiftable twocomponent jet nozzles which are located under a b
下载次数:400 浏览次数:962发布时间:2017-12-29 15:27
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The aerosol generator of the ATM 243 series is a special development for testing oil mist

separators. Its innovative design is protected by autility model and the generated aerosols comply

with the requirements regarding particle size and concentrations for testing oil mist separators. The

design of this generator ensures a very constant particle size distribution and concentration while

at the same time providing a high degree of reproducibility. The device features the possibility

to adjust the temperature of the generated aerosols and can be used on a variety of oils.

Depending on the type of oil and the pressure of the carrier gas various mass flow rates can be

adjusted for a set working temperature. Special Advantages

 Very stable particle size distributions and concentrations

 Generates polydisperse test aerosol with a mean particle size of 1 – 2 μm

 Very high aerosol particle concentration and particle mass flow

 Adjustable and regulated aerosol temperature For pressures up to 0.3 bar


 Testing of oil mist separators

 Capacity tests of filters

 Research & Development

Operating Principle

The oil is atomised via 3No. discrete shiftable twocomponent

jet nozzles which are located under a baffle plate. The carrier gas and the oil are heated

in the nozzle block to the set temperature. 


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