Rugged Design
The opƟcal sensor, matched electronics and backlit display, are enclosed in a rugged metal enclosure to protect
the instrument from normal daily use.
Data Storage
The internal datalogger will store over 5,000 samples. Sample history events can be viewed on the display or
downloaded to a computer using Comet soŌware.
BaƩery OperaƟon
The internal baƩery pack provides over 10 hours of conƟnuous operaƟon. BaƩery recharge Ɵme is
approximately 2.5 hours.
OpƟonal Inlets
The standard unit is supplied with a TSP inlet. OpƟonal sampling inlets are available for PM2.5, PM4 and PM10.
Key Features:
‘Real Time’ monitoring
Simple operaƟon
Rugged design
Built‐in Datalogger
Purge air system
Low power consumpƟon