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General purpose syringes are used by LC and GC chemists to prepare samples, transfer standards, extr
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General purpose syringes are used by LC and GC chemists to prepare samples, transfer standards, extractions, and dilutionsVast majority of customers choose Hamilton for their general laboratory syringesEstimated market share for Hamilton is 90+% !While Agilent brand is strong, there is no awareness of manual syringesAwareness of Agilent’s current line of general laboratory syringes is very low among end-users, distributors and even Agilent’s own direct sales forceNo past marketing effort – no sales!Agilent estimated market share for manual syringes -- only 3% !Sales unit volume static for last 3 yearsPrimary: Laboratory technicians and bench chemists WW in Agilent installed base who are working with Agilent GC, LC & MS systems in commercial, government, and educational applications and currently using/buying our ALS syringes but  NOT buying our manual syringes.Secondary: Laboratory technicians and bench chemists WW working with Agilent GC,LC&MSsystems who use a varied range of manual syringes for sample manipulation and injection but may not be buying large amounts of manual syringes. Also, small to mid-size channel partners who aren’t allied with Hamilton brand. Tertiary: Lab technicians and bench chemists WW who are using manual syringes for all or a portion of their sample preparation needs but may not be aware that Agilent offers a full suite of syringe solutions.

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