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Bonderite L-GP 154干膜润滑剂原版产品资料

BONDERITE L-GP 154 ACHESON (known as DAG 154), a specially processed colloidal graphite dry film lub
下载次数:513 浏览次数:896发布时间:2018-06-27 14:46
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BONDERITE L-GP 154 ACHESON (known as DAG 154), a specially processed colloidal graphite dry film lubricant, air

dries rapidly at room temperature and adheres tenaciously to most substrates with minimum surface preparation. The

thinness of the coating, coupled with high lubricity, provides clean, long-wearing lubrication without redesign of

component dimensions. Coatings are easily applied during manufacture or assembly by standard spray, brush, or dip


BONDERITE L-GP 154 ACHESON (known as DAG 154) is also an easy-to-apply resistance coating designed to

provide conductivity, and excellent release properties to many nonconductive substrates, including most plastics.

BONDERITE L-GP 154 ACHESON (known as DAG 154) has been specified throughout the electronics industry in a

multitude of roles. It can easily be blended with Molydag®

 210 (molybdenum disulfide insulating coating) to attain costeffective

sheet resistance variations.


 Ultra-thin opaque film forming properties  High lubricity for tight tolerances of mating parts

 Excellent adhesion to most substrates  Allows for a variety of parts to be processed with the

same coating, saving on costs

 Fast air-cure times  Allows for a variety of parts to be processed with the

same coating, saving on costs

 Ability to vary conductivity  Multi-purpose application for conductive effect on the



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