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DMT Simulated Household Dust原版资料

Slate flour is used to determine the dust emission of vacuum cleaners in accordance with DIN IEC 603
下载次数:0 浏览次数:326发布时间:2019-08-06 21:03
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The cotton specially cut by DMT is part of the simulated house dust DMT test dust type 8® and is specified in

 IEC 62885 / IEC 60312 / DIN EN 60312. This cut cotton is also used as a pure component for various filter technology tests.
(For fiber length distribution see standard)
Since cotton is a natural product, the fiber structure and composition are subject to certain natural variations.

 DMT GmbH & Co. KG is accompanied by strict quality monitoring, which begins with the supplier to achieve a high batch to batch comparability.
Our specifications must be strictly observed during storage. Increased humidity can greatly accelerate the natural decomposition process.


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