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Milwaukee MW101便携式酸度计 原版说明书

下载次数:57 浏览次数:304发布时间:2015-10-15 10:57
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MW100, MW101, MW102 and MW500 are compact pH,

ORP and Temperature Portable Meters with Faster Micro

Processor. These handy and ergonomically designed

portable meters are ideal for anyone working on a low budget

and still requires fast and reliable measurements.

These portable meters are suitable for a wide range of applications,

such as Educational, Agriculture and Horticulture,

as well as water and environmental analysis.

These easier and faster to calibrate portable meters have a

smaller, ergonomic and lighter case design. Other features

include 100% larger and easier to read LED Display and

long battery life.

All meters are supplied with pH or ORP electrodes and calibration


• MW100 performs pH measurements with a 0.1 pH resolution

and with manual temperature compensation.

• MW101 performs pH measurements with a 0.01 pH resolution

and with manual temperature compensation.

• MW102 is a microprocessor based pH/Temperature

meter with extended range (-2.00 to 16.00 pH), Automatic

Temperature Compensation, automatic calibration in 2

points and ±0.02 pH accuracy.

• MW500 performs ORP measurements with a range of

±1000 mV.


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