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Milwaukee MW301 原版说明书

下载次数:202 浏览次数:234发布时间:2015-10-15 11:00
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• The meter is supplied complete with a 9V battery.

Slide off the battery compartment cover on the back of the meter. Install the battery into the battery clip connector while observing polarity.

• Connect the probe to the meter securely by aligning the pins with the plug in.

• Make sure that the meter has been calibrated before taking any measurements (see Calibration Procedure).

• Immerse the tip (4 cm) of the EC/TDS probe into the sample. If possible use plastic beakers or containers to minimize any EMC interference.

• Turn the instrument on by pressing the ON/OFF key.

• Wait for the temperature sensor to reach the thermal equilibrium before taking any measurements.

• After use, the instrument should be switched off and the probe should be cleaned and dried. Whenever needed, use alcohol for better cleaning.


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