NYCO GREASE GN 144 50KG PAIL AIMS 09-06-001Nyco Grease GN 144 is a soft NLGI 1.5 grease, based on a synthetic poly-alpha-olefin and ester oil blend thickened with a lithium soap. |
NYCO GREASE GN 17 50KG包装,MIL-G-21164D G-353Nyco润滑脂GN 17是一种软质NLGI 2润滑脂,基础油是锂皂增稠的合成二酯油。 防腐蚀,抗氧化和抗磨性能得到强化。 |
TRIBOLUBE-37全氟润滑脂,5LBS包装TRIBOLUBE-37是专门为非常宽温条件下、与强酸、强氧化剂、燃料以及溶剂的物质经常接触的磨擦副设计制作的全 氟聚醚润滑脂,运行温度范围−73℃∼288℃。具有非常低的低温起动力矩和极低的蒸发损失;具有极强的化学惰性, 不与强碱、强酸、强氧化剂、燃料、溶剂等物质发生反应;具有优异的极压抗磨性能,四球焊接负载可达800kg; 与大多数橡胶、塑料相容。 |
TRIBOLUBE-37MS全氟润滑脂,5LBS包装TRIBOLUBE-37是专门为非常宽温条件下、与强酸、强氧化剂、燃料以及溶剂的物质经常接触的磨擦副设计制作的全 氟聚醚润滑脂,运行温度范围−73℃∼288℃。具有非常低的低温起动力矩和极低的蒸发损失;具有极强的化学惰性, 不与强碱、强酸、强氧化剂、燃料、溶剂等物质发生反应;具有优异的极压抗磨性能,四球焊接负载可达800kg; 与大多数橡胶、塑料相容。 |
Tribolube-37RPA全氟润滑脂,5LBS包装TRIBOLUBE-37是专门为非常宽温条件下、与强酸、强氧化剂、燃料以及溶剂的物质经常接触的磨擦副设计制作的全 氟聚醚润滑脂,运行温度范围−73℃∼288℃。具有非常低的低温起动力矩和极低的蒸发损失;具有极强的化学惰性, 不与强碱、强酸、强氧化剂、燃料、溶剂等物质发生反应;具有优异的极压抗磨性能,四球焊接负载可达800kg; 与大多数橡胶、塑料相容。 |
NYE NYETACT 571H-10 FLUID USQNYETACT 571H-10 is a 10% dispersion of a perfluoroether lubricant in a perfluoroalkane solvent for electrical connectors and sliding electrical contacts. |
CASTROL BRAYCO 610 GREASE 35LB MIL-PRF-10924HCastrol Braycote™ 610 is an advanced lithium-complex thickened, amber-colored multi-purpose NLGI Grade 2 grease. |
NYCO GREASE GN 07 50KG PAIL DCSEA361B G-361Nyco Grease GN 07 is a clay-thickened NLGI 2 grease, based on a highly thermostable polyol ester with a viscosity of 5 cSt at 100°C. |
CASTROL BRAYCOTE 248 35LB PAIL MIL-C-11796 CLASS 3Castrol Braycote 248 is an amber colored, soft, grease like or waxy solid, which forms a soft transparent, flexible film on applied parts. It will not polymerize or harden after long exposure to the sun. |
NYCO 65 VASELINE 50KG包装,AIR 3565A S-743NYCO65 矿脂是坚硬,而发粘的矿脂(重矿物石蜡),熔点范围45〜65℃。不侵蚀金属或合金。 |
NYCO GREASE GN 10 50KG PAIL MIL-PRF-23827C G-354Nyco Grease GN 10 is a soft NLGI 2 grease, based on a synthetic diester oil thickened with a lithium soap. |
BONDERITE L-FG M 1559 12.5KGDag M-1559 is high temperature grease reinforced with a blend of graphite and molybdenum disulphide and is used for the lubrication of tools, dies and containers in extrusion and forging processes. |
NYCO GREASE GN 22 50KG包装,满足MIL-PRF-81322G G-395NYCO GN22是基于合成油,NLGI2粘土增稠润滑脂,100℃的粘度是6厘沲,可以抗腐蚀,抗氧化和包含抗磨/极压添加剂。 |
NYCO GREASE GN 06 50KG包装,符合DCSEA355A G-355NYCO GN06润滑脂是基于矿物油的,在100℃下粘度是5cSt,增稠与锂皂。 |
NYCO GREASE GN 15 50KG PAIL DCSEA 382A G-382Nyco Grease GN 15 is lithium grease based on a mineral oil with a viscosity of 5 cSt at 100°C. It inhibited against c orrosion and oxidation. |
CASTROL BRAYCO 589 5USG DRUM MIL-PRF-8188DCastrol Brayco™ 589 is intended for preservation of turboprop and turbojet engines. |
KRYTOX 283AC 1KG包装Krytox 283AD防锈蚀润滑脂是一种含亚硝酸钠的白色润滑脂产品。这一产品能在室温条件下提供防锈保护,在高温条件下提供防腐蚀保护及防磨损保护。不会燃烧,与氧气相容,而且具有化学惰性,产品的润滑寿命长,并且能够延长设备的使用寿命。在高温耐腐蚀环境下长效润滑,广泛应用于纺织机械、瓦楞机等高温部位。推荐用于板宽调节丝村热风马达轴承的润滑。 |
ACHESON DAG 502 20KG DRUMDag 502 is a colloidal dispersion of specially processed micro-graphite in isopropyl alcohol. It is used for the formation of dry lubricating films and electrically conducting coatings. It is also employed as an anti-seize material on screw threads. |
Bonderite L-CA 696(25KG包装)Deltacast696是一种柔软的油脂,含有耐火颜料,通常为保护铸铁模具或者需要保护的表面,免收熔融金属或助溶剂的侵蚀. |
NYCO GREASE GN 05 50KG PAIL AIR 4205B G-359Nyco Grease GN 05 is a NLGI 2 grease based on a high viscosity mineral oil thickened by clay. |
BONDERITE L-GP 2404 15.88KG DRUMDAG 2404所有表面均可形成坚韧的干石墨膜。 |
BONDERITE L-GP AQUADAG 18% 25KG包装胶体石墨18%是一个唯一的分散体在水中的胶体石墨,它结合了亚微米的颗粒尺寸分布以优异的成膜的材料和基片上的各种属性。 |
NYCO TURBONYCOIL 160 50LT PAIL MIL-PRF-7808L GRD 3 O-148Nyco Turbonycoil 160 is a 3 cSt oil at 100C and is made of neopolyol esters containing additives to improve its anti-oxidant, anti-corrosion and extreme-pressure properties. |