TRIBOLUBE-37HS全氟润滑脂,1LBS包装TRIBOLUBE-37是专门为非常宽温条件下、与强酸、强氧化剂、燃料以及溶剂的物质经常接触的磨擦副设计制作的全 氟聚醚润滑脂,运行温度范围−73℃∼288℃。具有非常低的低温起动力矩和极低的蒸发损失;具有极强的化学惰性, 不与强碱、强酸、强氧化剂、燃料、溶剂等物质发生反应;具有优异的极压抗磨性能,四球焊接负载可达800kg; 与大多数橡胶、塑料相容。 |
NYCO TURBONYCOIL 160 208LT DRUM MIL-PRF-7808L GRD 3 O-148Nyco Turbonycoil 160 is a 3 cSt oil at 100C and is made of neopolyol esters containing additives to improve its anti-oxidant, anti-corrosion and extreme-pressure properties. |
Tribolube-37RPA全氟润滑脂,5LBS包装TRIBOLUBE-37是专门为非常宽温条件下、与强酸、强氧化剂、燃料以及溶剂的物质经常接触的磨擦副设计制作的全 氟聚醚润滑脂,运行温度范围−73℃∼288℃。具有非常低的低温起动力矩和极低的蒸发损失;具有极强的化学惰性, 不与强碱、强酸、强氧化剂、燃料、溶剂等物质发生反应;具有优异的极压抗磨性能,四球焊接负载可达800kg; 与大多数橡胶、塑料相容。 |
OM16 INSULATING OIL 25LTFUCHS TRANSFORMER & SWITCH OIL is manufactured from low viscosity, highly refined mineral oil. |
CASTROL BRAYCO 589 5USG DRUM MIL-PRF-8188DCastrol Brayco™ 589 is intended for preservation of turboprop and turbojet engines. |
TRI-FLOW INDUSTRIAL LUBRICANT 500ML AEROSOLTri-Flow is a Professional Quality multi-use P.T.F.E penetrating Lubricant. |
MILLER MS122RB 400ML喷雾装,9150-01-528-5624米勒 - 斯蒂芬森的干性润滑剂将“滑动粘附现象”的问题降到最低,低速为最有效的,轻负载。 |
LPS 2 LUBRICANT 25LT桶装LPS 2R可为手持及机械工具、部件和设备提供一层极佳的保护层。 |
LUBCON TURMOPAST MA 2 400GM CARTRIDGETurmopast MA2 is a synthetic special grease for extreme conditions. |
CASTROL BRAYCO MICRONIC 882 1USG MIL-PRF-83282DCastrol Brayco™ Micronic 882 is a red colored synthetic hydrocarbon hydraulic fluid ISO viscosity Grade 15 for aircraft, ordnance, and industrial use. |
CASTROL HYSPIN AWS 46 OIL 55 USG DRUMThe Castrol Hyspin AWS™ hydraulic oil range is based upon highly refined mineral oil enhanced with a stabilised zinc additive system. |
CASTROL OPTIMOL PASTE RV WHITE 5KG TINCastrol Optimol Paste White RV is excellently suited for all assembly work as well as for base or thin-film lubrication. |
CASTROL BRAYCOTE 868 SILICONE GREASE 1LB MIL-DTL-25681ECastrol Braycote 868 is a grayish-black homogeneous mixture of molybdenum disulfide and silicone oil. |
AIR BP TURBO OIL 2380 1USQ MIL-PRF-23699F TYP STD 9150-01-476-1074BP Turbo Oil 2380 is a 5 cSt synthetic lubricant that is approved against US military specification MIL-PRF-23699F STD, and UK military specification DEF STAN 91-101/2 (replaced DERD 2499). |
BP ENERGREASE LS EP2 400GM CARTRIDGEBP Energrease LS-EP greases are an extreme pressure, multipurpose type grease. |
NYCO 65 VASELINE 50KG包装,AIR 3565A S-743NYCO65 矿脂是坚硬,而发粘的矿脂(重矿物石蜡),熔点范围45〜65℃。不侵蚀金属或合金。 |
CASTROL HF585B FLUID 208LT DRUMCastrol Aero HF585B is a petroleum based aircraft hydraulic fluid which is dyed red. It is produced from low viscosity highly-refined mineral basestock, shear-stable viscosity index improver, antioxidants, corrosion inhibitors and antiwear additives. |
OMD90 ENGINE OIL 25LT DRUM DEF/STAN91-113/1 600058670 |
ACHESON AB 4293 400ML AEROSOLAB 4293 is a graphite based mould pre-treatment which eliminates the need of extra swabbing during the start-up of new or reconditioned equipment. |
OM33 25LT (600056155) DEF/STAN91/39/3 |
BONDERITE L-GP 580 BO 0.85KG MSRR 3001Acheson Dag 580 is a colloidal dispersion of specially processed micro-graphite in ethyl alcohol. It is used for the formation of dry lubricating films and electrically conducting coatings. It is also employed as an anti-seize material on screw threads. |
KS PAUL ZX35 500GM DEF/STAN68-62/ISS-2ZX-35 is a very high grade acid-purified Molybdenum Disulphide powder meeting the Ministry of Defence Specification DEF.STAN.68-62/2. For use on all Military and Aircraft applications requiring a Molybdenum Disulphide powder and for incorporation in all M |
NYCO TURBONYCOIL 160 1LT CAN MIL-PRF-7808L GRD 3 O-148Nyco Turbonycoil 160 is a 3 cSt oil at 100C and is made of neopolyol esters containing additives to improve its anti-oxidant, anti-corrosion and extreme-pressure properties. |