WHITE PETROLEUM JELLY 500GM TIN (783L)This product is a translucent, soft unctuous mass complying with the requirements of the British and European Pharmacopoeia Monographs. |
GSA OD14064 OLIVE DRAB 12OZ A-A-2787 8010-01-331-6111 |
APIEZON L GREASE 25GM TUBEApiezon grease L has been specifically developed for vacuum use, but is also extensively used for non-vacuum purposes in a variety of industrial and scientific applications. |
CASTROL OPTIMOL PASTE WHITE T 1KGCastrol Optimol Paste White T is an assembly paste with mineral oil and selected white solid lubricants. |
APIEZON AP101 GREASE 50GM TUBEApiezon AP101是一款极好的,用途广泛的合成润滑油,适合不同工业和科研使用. |
NYCO GREASE GN GA 47 20KG PAIL AIR 4247A S-720NYCO GN GA47润滑脂是纯凡士林与50%微细石墨的一个均匀混合物。 |
LUBRIPLATE 930AA 14.05 OZ CARTRIDGELUBRIPLATE NO. 930-AA is an NLGI No. 1 lubricant highly recommended for automatic grease dispensing devices and pressure gun applications. |
TRIBOLUBE-37全氟润滑脂,1LBS包装TRIBOLUBE-37是专门为非常宽温条件下、与强酸、强氧化剂、燃料以及溶剂的物质经常接触的磨擦副设计制作的全 氟聚醚润滑脂,运行温度范围−73℃∼288℃。具有非常低的低温起动力矩和极低的蒸发损失;具有极强的化学惰性, 不与强碱、强酸、强氧化剂、燃料、溶剂等物质发生反应;具有优异的极压抗磨性能,四球焊接负载可达800kg; 与大多数橡胶、塑料相容。 |
NYCO GREASE GN 22 400克盒装,满足MIL-PRF-81322G G-395NYCO GN22是基于合成油,NLGI2粘土增稠润滑脂,100℃的粘度是6厘沲,可以抗腐蚀,抗氧化和包含抗磨/极压添加剂。 |
CASTROL BRAYCO 460 55USG DRUMCastrol Brayco 460 is a petroleum-based, jet engine lubricating oil. |
BONDERITE C-FG 144/S 220KG DRUM润滑剂Bonderite C-FG 144/S die lubricant for hot and warm extrusion. |
NYCO 65 VASELINE 500G包装,AIR 3565A S-743NYCO65 矿脂是坚硬,而发粘的矿脂(重矿物石蜡),熔点范围45〜65℃。不侵蚀金属或合金。 |
NYCO GREASE GN 10 500GM MIL-PRF-23827C G-354Nyco Grease GN 10 is a soft NLGI 2 grease, based on a synthetic diester oil thickened with a lithium soap. |
APIEZON T GREASE 25GM TUBE润滑脂Apiezon T grease is a filled hydrocarbon grease for general sealing and lubrication in the medium temperature range. |
BRAYCO MICRONIC 883 RED 55USG桶装,符合MIL-PRF-46170C TYPE 1 AMD 2嘉实多Brayco™ Micronic 883是一款防锈抑制耐火合成ISO粘度液压油,适合飞机,弹药和工业级应用,标准15号。它不包含粘度指数改进剂,与以往的液压液不同。 |
NYCO TURBONYCOIL 600 5LT CAN MIL-PRF-23699F STD O-156Nyco Turbonycoil 600 is a synthetic aviation lubricating oil with a viscosity of 5 cSt at 100C. |
LUBYSIL BCO14 120ML AEROSOLLUBYSIL BCO 14 Is A Unique Ultra Low Viscosity Cutting Fluid. Developed for machining very tough metals in the aerospace and nuclear industries. Increases tools life, improves surface finishes, enables closer tolerances to be maintained and is very well s |
BONDERITE L-GP LC 408 20KGPreviously called ACHESON LC408 CHAIN LUBEThis non-carbonising synthetic lubricant has been specially formulated for the lubrication of high temperature conveyor chains. |
BONDERITE L-GP 554A 25KGPreviously called ACHESON DAG 554A 25KGBONDERITE L-GP 554A is a colloidal dispersion of graphite in water, specially processed to give a closely controlled sub-micron particle size distribution. |
CASTROL BRAYCO 610 GREASE 35LB MIL-PRF-10924HCastrol Braycote™ 610 is an advanced lithium-complex thickened, amber-colored multi-purpose NLGI Grade 2 grease. |
NYCO GREASE GN 22 500GM包装,MIL-PRF-81322G G-395NYCO GN22是基于合成油,NLGI2粘土增稠润滑脂,100℃的粘度是6厘沲,可以抗腐蚀,抗氧化和包含抗磨/极压添加剂。 |
CASTROL BRAYCO MICRONIC 882 1USQ MIL-PRF-83282DCastrol Brayco® Micronic 882 is a red colored synthetic hydrocarbon hydraulic fluid ISO viscosity Grade 15 for aircraft, ordnance, and industrial use. |
CASTROL BRAYCO 363 LUBRICATING OIL 1USQ MIL-PRF-7870CCastrol Brayco™ 363 is a highly refined blend of petroleum base stock and additives, which provide excellent resistance to oxidation, protection against rusting, and limits galvanic corrosion. |
XG279 GREASE G-403 3KG CAN DEF/STAN91-27/2 |