I-Chem V220-0500-RWD 500ml SS 矮透明瓶,密封盖,VOA处理 I-Chem 500ml Clear short SS Jar w/closed top cap VOA processed500ml SS 矮透明瓶,密封盖,VOA处理 I-Chem 500ml Clear short SS Jar w/closed top cap VOA processed |
I-Chem V321-0250-RWD 250ml SS 高透明瓶,密封盖,VOA已认证 I-Chem 250ml Clear tall SS Jar w/closed top cap VOA certified250ml SS 高透明瓶,密封盖,VOA已认证 I-Chem 250ml Clear tall SS Jar w/closed top cap VOA certified |
I-Chem V320-0250-RWD 250ml SS 矮透明瓶,密封盖,VOA已认证 I-Chem 250ml Clear short SS Jar w/closed top cap VOA certified250ml SS 矮透明瓶,密封盖,VOA已认证 I-Chem 250ml Clear short SS Jar w/closed top cap VOA certified |
希玛 电磁辐射计AR-820 |
米沃奇Milwaukee MT6003米沃奇Milwaukee MT6003 |
I-Chem V349-1000-RWD 1L 琥珀色窄口瓶,密封盖,已认证 I-Chem 1L NM Amber bottle with Closed top cap certified1L 琥珀色窄口瓶,密封盖,已认证 I-Chem 1L NM Amber bottle with Closed top cap certified |
I-Chem V320-0500-RWD 500ml SS 矮透明瓶,密封盖,VOA已认证 I-Chem 500ml Clear short SS Jar w/closed top cap VOA certified500ml SS 矮透明瓶,密封盖,VOA已认证 I-Chem 500ml Clear short SS Jar w/closed top cap VOA certified |
I-Chem S349-1000-RWD 1L 琥珀色窄口瓶 , 0.125" 盖垫,已认证 I-Chem 1L NM Amber bottle with 0.125" septum certified1L 琥珀色窄口瓶 , 0.125" 盖垫,已认证 I-Chem 1L NM Amber bottle with 0.125" septum certified |
MS84301机械秒表 电子秒表MS84301机械秒表 电子秒表 |
MS94301机械秒表 电子秒表MS94301机械秒表 电子秒表 |
雷泰 MT4U 测温仪 |
米沃奇Milwaukee MC410溶解性总固体监测器米沃奇Milwaukee MC410溶解性总固体监测器 |
ACCU-SAFE 10℃〜30℃温度计 TH-504641 |
I-Chem LB288-7222-ROC 0.125"低流失盖垫,适于24-414密封盖 I-Chem Low Bleed Septum 0.125" thick for 24-414 closures0.125"低流失盖垫,适于24-414密封盖 I-Chem Low Bleed Septum 0.125" thick for 24-414 closures |
I-Chem V241-0950-RWD 950ml琥珀色瓶,密封盖,VOA处理 I-Chem 950ml Amber Packer w/closed top cap VOA processed950ml琥珀色瓶,密封盖,VOA处理 I-Chem 950ml Amber Packer w/closed top cap VOA processed |
I-Chem V221-1000-RWD 1L SS 高透明瓶,密封盖,VOA处理 I-Chem 1L Clear tall SS Jar w/closed top cap VOA processed1L SS 高透明瓶,密封盖,VOA处理 I-Chem 1L Clear tall SS Jar w/closed top cap VOA processed |
EP Scientific 339-20C-MIA EP 20ml 透明样品瓶,0.125”粘合盖垫,未处理 EP 20ml Vial clear 0.125" bonded septum unprocessedEP 20ml 透明样品瓶,0.125”粘合盖垫,未处理 EP 20ml Vial clear 0.125" bonded septum unprocessed |
EP Scientific 339-20A-MIA EP 20ml 琥珀色样品瓶,0.125”粘合盖垫,未处理 EP 20ml Vial amber 0.125" bonded septum unprocessedEP 20ml 琥珀色样品瓶,0.125”粘合盖垫,未处理 EP 20ml Vial amber 0.125" bonded septum unprocessed |
Matrix 4960-HUD 穿孔板,Matrix 384Matrix 384 |
VICTOR 胜利 数字式闪频测速仪DM6237PVICTOR 胜利 数字式闪频测速仪DM6237P |
I-Chem V341-0950-RWD 950ml琥珀色瓶,密封盖,VOA已认证 I-Chem 950ml Amber Packer w/closed top cap VOA certified950ml琥珀色瓶,密封盖,VOA已认证 I-Chem 950ml Amber Packer w/closed top cap VOA certified |
I-Chem V321-1000-RWD 1L SS 高透明瓶,密封盖,VOA已认证 I-Chem 1L Clear tall SS Jar w/closed top cap VOA certified1L SS 高透明瓶,密封盖,VOA已认证 I-Chem 1L Clear tall SS Jar w/closed top cap VOA certified |
MO100 水分测定仪 MO-030051 |
AbgeneSP-0828-HUD透明型膜 Clear Seal 3730透明型膜 Clear Seal 3730 |
台湾泰仕TES-92 高频电磁波测试计 |