Cole-Parmer 170232 流量开关Liquid flow switch for threaded plastic piping; 0.5 GPM |
Cole-Parmer 170235 流量开关Liquid flow switch for threaded plastic piping; 5.0 GPM |
Cole-Parmer 170234 流量开关Liquid flow switch for threaded plastic piping; 2.5 GPM |
Cole-Parmer 170233 流量开关Liquid flow switch for threaded plastic piping; 1.0 GPM |
Cole-Parmer 175117 流量开关Liquid flow switch for threaded plastic piping; 2.0 GPM |
Cole-Parmer 4240CP 2线高精度通用探针温度计High-Accuracy General-purpose thermometer with 2 wire probes |
testo坚固防水的Pt100浸入式0609 1273 |
台湾群特CENTER 306记忆式温度计 |
群特 CENTER306 数据温度记录器(温度计) |
Testo德图可弯曲,质量轻,浸入式探头,适合小体积介质的测量和培养皿,或者表面测量(如用粘性胶带固定),K型热电偶订货号:0602 04931 x exceptionally fast TC Type K temperature probe with large measuring range 0602 0493 |
Cole-Parmer 501090 DIN安装外壳Small 1/16 DIN-Mount Meter/Controller Enclosures |
德威尔 Dwyer 1223-M1000-W/M U型管压力计德威尔 Dwyer 1223-M1000-W/M U型管压力计 |
台湾泰玛斯TM-411风速风量计 |
台湾衡欣AZ8875红外线测温仪 |
台湾先驰SENTRY ST-723接触/非接触激光转速表 |
泰纳TAINA TN 2280 风速、湿度、光照度、温度四合一表 |
testo不锈钢皮托管350 mm长0635 2145 |
Ashcroft 63-1008-SL-02B-2000#/KSC 机械压力表0 to 2000 psi and 0 to 140 kg/cm2 Dual-Scale Gauge, Back Connection |
Ashcroft 25-1009-SWL-02L-2000# 机械压力表0 to 2000 psi Ashcroft Filled High-Accuracy Gauge, 2 1/2" Dial, Bottom Connection |
Ashcroft 5-1009-SWL-02L-3000# 机械压力表0 to 3000 psi Ashcroft Filled High-Accuracy Gauge, 2 1/2" Dial, Bottom Connection |
Ashcroft 63-1008-SL-02B-3000#/KSC 机械压力表0 to 3000 psi and 0 to 200 kg/cm2 Dual-Scale Gauge, Back Connection |
PM10空调 PM10 检测专用延长杆PM10空调 PM10 检测专用延长杆 |
国产皮托管 Ф8×1.5 M国产皮托管 Ф8×1.5 M |
micro-DL™ mdl8 TH-787313 |
PosiTector® 液温度传感器,K型 WE-610049 |