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Brechtel 1205 Ground-based Counterflow Virtual Impactor Inlet System (GCVI)

Brechtel 1205 Ground-based Counterflow Virtual Impactor Inlet System (GCVI),服务电话,13916696061

  • 市场价: ¥0.00
  • 销售价: 面议
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The Brechtel Model 1205 GCVI is the ideal virtual impactor tool for probing the detailed properties of actual cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) inside real clouds. The GCVI was developed for long-term, unattended deployments at mountain and other sites with accessible clouds so researchers could explore aerosol-cloud interactions with the ease of ground operation. Significant anti-icing experience from decade-long aircraft inlet development was applied to the GCVI to ensure the automated wind tunnel lid would open and close reliably under most sampling conditions. With on-line cloud, rain and snow detection, the built-in software will automatically turn your system on when cloud is detected and off when the clouds disappear.

Peer-reviewed and characterized CVI Inlet

Droplet cut size diameters between 7 and 15 microns

15 lpm total instrument sample flow

Fully automated for long-term operation

Laminar flow element measures sample flow and automatically adjusts to changing instrument flows

Counter flow rate adjustable between 1 and 10 lpm to vary droplet cut size in real-time

Automatic power on/off with easy-to-use software

Wind tunnel lid closes automatically

Integrated rain/snow sensor

Tower mountable

Integrated anti-icing systems

Removable porous tube tip assembly

Technical Specs

PARAMETER                VALUE

Droplet diameter cut size range 7-15 µm

Add flow rate range to tip 16-25 lpm

Add flow temperature range 20-45°C

Range of counterflow air flow rate 1-10 lpm

Constant air sample flow rate 15 lpm

Total air sample flow available to instruments 15 lpm

Compressor, vacuum pump and blower power (max) 2000 watts @ 230 VAC

Anti-icing power (max) 1160 watts @ 28 VDC

Other power (external laptop) 50 watts @ 115 VAC

Weather-proof enclosure size 25"W x 50"H x 34"D

Weather-proof electronics enclosure weight 220 lb/99.8 kg

Total system weight 290 lb/131.5 kg

Wind tunnel inlet height (tower mounted) 2 to 10 meters

Wind tunnel flow rate 750-1,500 lpm

Wind tunnel throat velocity range 50-100 m/sec

System footprint size 2x2 meters

Operating temperature range -20-35°C

Operating pressure range 500-1,000 mb (abs)






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联系方式: 电话:021-52069907 分机 或拨0转总机,传真:010-52060857


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粒子计数器校准装置 更多型号请咨询客服19mro@19mro.com


Brechtel 9000气溶胶静电中和器
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