Cole-Parmer 0.5至20 LPM 涡轮流量传感器
这些液体涡轮流量传感器是长期耐腐蚀,在苛刻的情况下,性能无故障。传感器被放置在转子叶片的边缘附近,为所有颜色液体以提供准确的流量测量。通过传感器连接的红外光束,流进管里,并转换为5到30 V方波脉冲输出。一米的PVC电线包含RVC插孔输入到批处理或流量控制器(以下单独出售)。如果使用记录仪,面板仪表,或PLC,只需取出千斤顶,露出两线电缆安装电压输出。安装这些涡轮流量传感器到任何位置,他们不需要直流或其他专业安装。PFA和PVDF一次性可替换的传感器应用也可以设置为永久流量传感器。PFA和PVDF传感器标准配备装配夹。标准安装夹;聚丙烯管座我们也可以提供(联系我们的应用程序专家)传感器与软管倒钩或螺纹管件一起供应。
Use in conjunction with batch or flow controller for precise pump control
PFA sensors meet requirements of US Pharmacopeia Class VI
These liquid turbine flow sensors are corrosion resistant for long-term, trouble-free performance in demanding situations. Sensor is positioned in close proximity to the edges of the rotor blades to provide accurate flow measurements for all colored liquids. Flow in your tubing is picked up via the IR beam in the sensor connection, and converted into a 5 to 30 V square wave pulse output. One meter of PVC cable is included with an RVC jack for input into the batch or flow controllers (sold separately below). If using a recorder, panel meter, or PLC, simply remove the jack to expose the two-wire cable for installation of voltage output.
Mount these turbine flow sensors in any position; they do not require a flow straightener or other specialized installation. The PFA and PVDF sensors are replaceable for single-use applications or can be set up as permanent flow sensors. PFA and PVDF sensors come standard with a mounting clip; polypropylene tube holders are also available (contact our Application Specialists). Sensors are available with hose barb or threaded fittings.316L Stainless Steel (SS) Turbine Sensors are rated for high-pressure requirements in chemical, pharmaceutical, semiconductor, and environmental industries. Highly corrosion resistant.
产品规格 |
产品类型 |
涡轮传感器 |
流速 |
为0.5〜 |
最大压力(bar) |
25 |
最大压力(PSI) |
363 |
粘性 |
0.8〜10厘沲 |
精度 |
±1%的读数 |
内径(mm) |
8.5 |
防潮材料 |
最高工作温度(ºF) |
176 |
最高工作温度(°C) |
80 |
产量 |
过程连接 |
3/8“NPT(M) |
重复性 |
<0.15% |
流体类型 |
透明和不透明,中性,腐蚀性,腐蚀性液体 |
工作温度 |
-4至 |
电气连接 |
3.3英尺( |
功率 |
5至30 VDC |
Specifications |
Product Type |
Turbine Sensors |
Flow rate |
0.5 to |
Max pressure (bar) |
25 |
Max pressure (psi) |
363 |
Viscosity |
0.8 to 10 cSt |
Accuracy |
±1% of reading |
Inner diameter (mm) |
8.5 |
Wetted materials |
Max operating temperature (º F) |
176 |
Max operating temperature (º C) |
80 |
Output |
5 to 30 VDC square wave |
Process connection |
3/8" NPT(M) |
Repeatability |
<0.15% |
Fluid Type |
clear and opaque, neutral, corrosive, and aggressive liquids |
Operating temperature |
-4 to |
Electrical connections |
3.3-ft (1-m) PVC RVC jack |
Power |
5 to 30 VDC |
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4.最小起订数量:1 ,进口产品货期,请跟产品担当联系!
联系方式: 电话:021-52069907 分机 或拨0转总机,传真:010-52060857
- 1、技术沟通,初步判断问题电话,与客户进行初步沟通、了解并初步判断仪器所出现的故障问题。
- 2、签订维修协议由我公司向客户发送仪器维修协议,客户需如实填写内容并回传以便我司对仪器做进一步判断。
- 3、客户邮寄仪器客户可按照我司地址邮寄仪器,并将快递单拍照发送至您的专属客服进行备案。
- 4、详细诊断机器故障我司收到邮寄仪器后会对邮寄的仪器进行拍照并开箱检验,对仪器做进一步故障判断。
- 5、支付维修费用如客户仪器在保修期内,我司不收取任何维修费,如客户仪器在保修期外,我司会适当收取维修费。
- 6、邮寄仪器给客户我司将维修好的仪器按客户地址进行拍照并邮寄,自此虽维修协议终止,但我司将提供终身免费答疑及技术指导。
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