This is a pixel-to-pixel match with the thermal sensor, producing a perfectly clear and sharp image to the user; no up-sizing or down-sizing to effect image quality.
The IR Patrol M250 is Helmet-Mount and Handheld capable. It features 640×480 high resolution running at a 60hz frame rate. Polarity Swap with MaxPol Control, Digital Electronic Zoom, Brightness and DFC Digital Focus are standard. The M250 also features Edge Detect Mode, which darkens the image while outlining heat-producing objects for quick reference. This mode is valuable for retaining the user’s natural night vision because the display is not nearly as bright. Image capture is standard on all M250 Models (download cable sold separately), along with video out.
The IR Patrol M250 is designed for helmet mount and handheld applications. Going hands-free with a thermal imager is useful when positioned in a stationary overwatch and the user does not want to support the unit with their hand for hours. The M250 comes with a dovetail mount shoe that is designed to interface with the Wilcox SkeetIR Bridge Mount (sold separately).
Export of Thermal Imaging Equipment or related accessories (such as manuals) is strictly regulated by the US Department of State in accordance with the guidelines of the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR). It is a major crime to ship or carry US manufactured thermal imaging devices outside the borders of the United States, punishable by fines and prison sentences. Ignorance of these regulations will not hold up in court. By purchasing thermal imaging equipment from TNVC, you attest that you will not attempt to export or carry this thermal imaging equipment outside the borders of the United States. Also, it illegal to allow a non-US Citizen to look through US Thermal Imaging Equipment, even on US soil. Again, this is a crime punishable by fines and prison sentences.
IR Defense Corporation
Dimensions:5.95”(L) x 2.0”(W) x 2.95”(H)
Weight:1.0 lbs.
Housing:Machined 6061 Aircraft Aluminum
Finish:Black, Corrosion Resistant
Power:One (1) CR123A
Battery Life:Approx. 1.5 Hours
Operating Temp:-40°F to +131°F
Storage Temp:-49°F to +167°F
Sensor:Vanadium Oxide, Uncooled Microbolometer
Detector:640 x 480 BAE Systems MicroIR
Sensor Pitch:12µm Micron
Spectral Response:8 – 12µm
Start-Up:>4 Seconds
Display:eMagin VGA Digital 640×480 OLED
FOV:22° Optical, 3° Digital
Frame Rate:60 Hz
Objective Lens:19mm f/1.1
Polarity:Black hot/white hot
Analog Video:RS-170
Image Capture:Still Image and Video Out
Zoom:1X Optical, 8X Digital
Eye Relief:27mm
Diopter Adjustment::– 6 to +4
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4.最小起订数量:1 ,进口产品货期,请跟产品担当联系!
联系方式: 电话:021-52069907 分机 或拨0转总机,传真:010-52060857
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