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TSI 7201,7301 & 7501 型AeroTrak 远程激光粒子计数器 原版说明书

either Ethernet (TCP/IP) or serial Modbus RTU communications.The instrument can be powered over its
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AEROTRAK™ Remote Particle Counters

Models 7201, 7301 & 7501

Standard maintenance and calibration service for the Condensation Particle Counter Model 3776 consists

either Ethernet (TCP/IP) or serial Modbus RTU communications.

The instrument can be powered over its Ethernet connection

(Power-over-Ethernet) to simplify installation, or via a local

power supply. Configuration can be done locally with a PC or via

a web browser.

These particle counters can also store up to 3,000 sample

records providing data redundancy. Each instrument reports up to

4 particle sizes simultaneously and other key information such as

sensor status, date of last calibration, serial number and date of

manufacture for easy warranty management.

Digital calibration allows for consistency when managing a large

number of instruments. With the optional Temp/RH sensor, users

can save cabling and powering a separate sensor into a

monitoring or building automation system. Each TSI AEROTRAK

Remote Particle Counter also includes an alarm output which

allows its users to alarm directly from the particle counter.

Backed with a standard 2 year warranty and TSI commitment for

superior service and support, there is no other remote particle

counter on the market today with such features and benefits.


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