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TSI 3776-CPC超细凝聚核粒子计数器 原版说明书

Standard maintenance and calibration service for the Condensation Particle Counter Model 3776 consis
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Standard maintenance and calibration service for the Condensation Particle Counter Model 3776 consists

of these procedures:

1) Review written instructions or explanation of problem from customer

2) Initial inspection

3) Update manual, software and firmware as necessary

4) Clean instrument and optics

5) Inspect and replace as needed: wick, filters, tubing, and O-rings

6) Leak check

7) Verify flow and temperature control

8) Align optics

9) Zero check

10) Final electrical checkout and performance verification

Standard service includes minor repairs and replacement parts. Major repairs and replacement parts will

be charged for parts and labor. TSI will contact the customer for approval before making any major


Turnaround time for standard service is approximately two weeks after receipt of the instrument. TSI

service work is backed by a 90 day service warranty.


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