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Rotronic Instruments HygroClip HC2-S 温湿度计探针原版资料

The HygroClip2 is a completely new type of probe in a class of it's own in terms of accuracy and per
下载次数:349 浏览次数:860发布时间:2016-06-29 13:30
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The HygroClip2 is a completely new type of probe in a class of it's own in terms of accuracy and

performance. Thanks to the new AirChip3000 technology, it also boasts a unique calibration and

adjustment process as well as many other superb innovations. At the same time ROTRONIC has taken

humidity measurement technology to a whole new level of performance and reliability: the HygroClip2

offers you the best possible reproducibility and a superb system accuracy of < ±0.8 %rh and ±0.1 K.

The new HygroClip2 is available in various formats: from a simple plug-in probe for handheld

instruments and data loggers to the highly developed cable probes for high temperature and other

special applications, we can provide you with exactly the right probe to suit your needs. As standard,

they all have high accuracy, which can be increased further by specific adjustments within our

patented AirChip, making every probe in our range a high-end product for all applications.


For HVAC monitoring & control, the pharmaceutical industry, building management systems, the

paper industry, research, museums and many others.


• Measures relative humidity, temperature and dew/frost point

• Records up to 2,000 measurement pairs (%rh/°C)

• Range of application 0…100 %rh / -100...200 °C (depending on probe type)

• UART interface

• Self-testing function

• Trend indication

HygroClip2 with AirChip3000 technology

• Compensates temperature and humidity at 30,000 reference points and can store 2,000 measurement

pairs. If programmed by the user, it can self test and correct deviations automatically

• Freely configurable. Signal scaling, alarm limits and data logging intervals can be set by the user

• Active information and alarm generation

• Combines an ASIC (application specific integrated circuit), a microcontroller and a memory

(EEPROM) on one micro-chip

• Thanks to the analog, freely scalable signal (2 x 0…1V) and the UART interface, it can be integrated

not only in ROTRONIC products, but also in most OEM and customer solutions

• Can be interchanged in a few seconds without the need for readjustment

• Can be used as a reference in system qualification


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