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Raychem S1005环氧树脂胶Part B原版MSDS

The informaƟon in this safety data sheet is based on data and samples provided to BIG. The sheet was
下载次数:284 浏览次数:799发布时间:2018-03-27 17:54
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Full text of any R-phrases referred to under headings 2 and 3:

R38 Irritating to skin

R41 Risk of serious damage to eyes

R43 May cause sensitisation by skin contact

R51 Toxic to aquatic organisms

R53 May cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment

Full text of any H-statements referred to under headings 2 and 3:

H315 Causes skin irritation.

H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction.

H318 Causes serious eye damage.

H411 Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.


PBT-substances = persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic substances

DSD Dangerous Substance Directive

DPD Dangerous Preparation Directive

CLP (EU-GHS) Classification, labelling and packaging (Globally Harmonised System in Europe)

The informaƟon in this safety data sheet is based on data and samples provided to BIG. The sheet was wriƩen to the best of our ability and

according to the state of knowledge at that Ɵme. The safety data sheet only consƟtutes a guideline for the safe handling, use, consumpƟon,

storage, transport and disposal of the substances/preparaƟons/mixtures menƟoned under point 1. New safety data sheets are wriƩen from

Ɵme to Ɵme. Only the most recent versions may be used. Old versions must be destroyed. Unless indicated otherwise word for word on the

safety data sheet, the informaƟon does not apply to substances/preparaƟons/mixtures in purer form, mixed with other substances or in

processes. The safety data sheet offers no quality specificaƟon for the substances/preparaƟons/mixtures in quesƟon. Compliance with the

instrucƟons in this safety data sheet does not release the user from the obligaƟon to take all measures dictated by common sense,

regulaƟons and recommendaƟons or which are necessary and/or useful based on the real applicable circumstances. BIG does not guarantee

the accuracy or exhausƟveness of the informaƟon provided and cannot be held liable for any changes by third parƟes. This safety data sheet

is only to be used within the European Union, Switzerland, Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein. Any use outside of this area is at your own

risk. Use of this safety data sheet is subject to the licence and liability limiƟng condiƟons as stated in your BIG licence agreement or when

this is failing the general condiƟons of BIG. All intellectual property rights to this sheet are the property of BIG and its distribuƟon and

reproducƟon are limited. Consult the menƟoned agreement/condiƟons for details.

Users are advised that they may have addiƟonal disclosure obligaƟons under other naƟonal and local laws. Users are advised to ensure that

this informaƟon is brought to the aƩenƟon of all employees, agents, and contractors handling this product. Users of TE ConnecƟvity products

should make their own evaluaƟon to determine the suitability of each such product for the specific applicaƟon and to establish safe handling

and installaƟon procedures. Distributors of this product are advised to forward this document, or the informaƟon contained herein, to every

purchaser of this product.

TE ConnecƟvity makes no warranƟes as to the accuracy or completeness of this informaƟon and disclaims any liability in connecƟon with its

use. TE ConnecƟvity obligaƟons shall be only as set forth in TE ConnecƟvity standard terms and condiƟons of sale for this product. In no case

will TE ConnecƟvity 


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