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Palas vkl100气溶胶稀释器原版资料

The dilution steps deliver a temporally constant, representative dilution with the factors 10 and 10
下载次数:228 浏览次数:904发布时间:2018-09-28 21:28
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The dilution systems from Palas®

are characterized unambiguously. This is documented with a calibration certificate for

each individual device.

• The dilution steps deliver a temporally constant, representative dilution with the factors 10 and 100.

• The dilution systems can be cascaded with the factors 100, 1,000, 10,000 and 100,000

• Low compressed air consumption, e.g. just 128 l/minwith a dilution factor of 10,000 with four VKL 10 systems

• The dilution steps are combinable with all common particle counters.

• These cascaded dilution systems can be tested by the users themselves with a simple test set-up.

• Isobaric dilution up to 10 bar overpressure / isothermal dilution up to 120°C with the VKL 10 E, VKL 10 ED, KHG 10 and

KHG 10 D dilution systems

• Simple functional test on-site


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