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Palas RBG1000粉尘气溶胶发生器外部控制通讯协议

Within the nitrogen version RBG 1000 SD the carrier gas pure nitrogen is used and not compressed air
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All feedstock reservoirs which are used with the RBG 1000 D against overpressure up to <3

bar have a clearance groove and an o-ring. As the wall thickness of 28 mm feedstock

reservoir is too thin for the clearance groove the 28 mm feedstock reservoir can not be

made pressure tight.

If the RBG 1000 D is used at ambient condition then also the normal feedstock reservoirs

without o-ring can be used, e.g. also the 28 mm feedstock reservoir.

15.5.4 Differences in teh technical data within the RBG 1000 D

max. pre-pressure for the pressure


10 bar

Maximum counter pressure


pressure tight version: up to 3 mbar


15.6 Nitrogen Version RBG 1000 SD

Within the nitrogen version RBG 1000 SD the carrier gas pure nitrogen is used and not

compressed air. From the outside the RBG 1000 SD looks similar to the pressure tight version

RBG 1000 D. Internally a special brush motro is used which can operate under nitrogen


In point of operation the speed of the bnrush is not adjustable anymore. It is always uset to

the maximum speed.

In principle also a not pressure tight nitrogen version is also possible.

15.7 External control of RBG 1000 Models

All models of the RBG 1000 can be equipoed with an external control of the system.


A combination of the external control and the remote control is not possible

Within th eexternal control of the system an internal electrical control board and a

connection at the front side oft he instrument is implemented.

GBy using a cable the instrument can be combined with an external control unit. A prepared

cable with open endings are included in the delivery. 


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