MILLER MS383H CONNECTOR LUBRICANT,5加仑包装由优良品质润滑用的聚苯醚与具有清洁能力的氢氟醚共沸物(除D0403B-10UV)相结合,米勒-斯蒂芬森生产的连接器润滑剂,提供了连接器最先进的润滑解决方案。 |
UNIFLOR 8961MT GREASE 500GM JARUNIFLOR 8961MT is a PTFE thickened, medium viscosity, completely fluorinated grease intended for components where wide temperature and low torque are critical. |
ACHESON MOLYDAG 3487 50KG DRUMMolydag 3487 is a non-melting grease based on diester synthetic fluids with inorganic thickener. It is designed for use at high temperatures for prolonged periods without forming varnish, gum or carbon in the bearings. It is suitable for automatic or manu |
NYCO TURBONYCOIL 13B 20LT CAN AIR 3514/A,喷气发动机用合成油Turbonycoil 13 B 是一种润滑油,在100摄氏度的时候,黏度是 3 cSt ,基于合成润滑酯和含有抗氧化剂,抗磨损和抗腐蚀添加剂。 |
CASTROL BRAYCO 460 55USG DRUMCastrol Brayco 460 is a petroleum-based, jet engine lubricating oil. |
MILLER MS-752 VERTREL MCA 5USG包装MS-752Vertrel®MCA清洗剂包含Vertrel®XF与反式1,2-二氯乙烯。 |
EUROCUT 444HDS CUTTING OIL 205LT DRUMEurocut 444HDS is a multipurpose higher oil containing biostable semi-synthetic watermix coolant. Whilst not considered a traditional EP Fluid EUROCUT, 444HDS has improved load carrying performance when compared with conventional semi-synthetic fluids. |
CASTROL HF585B FLUID 208LT DRUMCastrol Aero HF585B is a petroleum based aircraft hydraulic fluid which is dyed red. It is produced from low viscosity highly-refined mineral basestock, shear-stable viscosity index improver, antioxidants, corrosion inhibitors and antiwear additives. |
EMRALON GP1904 BLACK 20KG包装Emralon GP-1904 PTFE和石墨的热固性粘合剂,通过喷涂,刷涂,或浸涂施加的分散体。 |
BONDERITE C-FG 144/S 220KG DRUM润滑剂Bonderite C-FG 144/S die lubricant for hot and warm extrusion. |
CASTROL HONILO 480 OIL 208LT DRUMCastrol Honilo 480 is a low viscosity, transparent oil designed for a variety of honing operations. Castrol Honilo 480 is fortified with a chlorine additive and contains a fatty oil, making it suitable for severe applications as well as super finishing op |
ACHESON DAG 154 15.88 KG包装润滑剂,Bonderite L-GP 154DAG 154,一种经过特殊加工的胶体石墨干膜润滑剂,室温下风干迅速,对多数最小表面处理的表面顽强附着。 |
CASTROL HYSPIN AWS 32 OIL 55 USG DRUMThe Castrol Hyspin AWS™ hydraulic oil range is based upon highly refined mineral oil enhanced with a stabilised zinc additive system. |
CASTROL HYSPIN AWS 46 OIL 55 USG DRUMThe Castrol Hyspin AWS™ hydraulic oil range is based upon highly refined mineral oil enhanced with a stabilised zinc additive system. |
ENVIRONTEMP FR3 FLUID 55USG DRUMEnvirotemp FR3 fluid is a bio-based, sustainable, natural ester dielectric coolant for use in distribution and power class transformers where its unique fire safety, environmental, electrical, and chemical properties are advantageous. |
CERTONAL FC-742Certonal FC-742是透明的,低粘度的表面改性剂含氟聚合物涂层,是一种氢氟醚溶剂。 |
NYCO GREASE GN HC 50KG PAIL DCSEA 363B G-363Nyco Grease GN HC is a grease based on a synthetic oil non miscible with hydrocarbons and/or polar solvents thickened with a lithium soap. |
Santovac OS-124 高温防辐射基础油 500mlSANTOLUBE OS-124是聚苯醚具有异常低挥发性和抵抗热,氧,辐射和化学侵蚀降解。因此非常适合极端温度和其他恶劣环境。此外,SANTOLUBE OS-124是与大多数金属,塑料和弹性体相容并且基本上无毒的,尤其是当采用正确的卫生习惯。 |
Santovac OS-138高温防辐射基础油 500mlSantovac OS-138润滑油常用在连接器上, 降低连接器磨损,减少电阻,减少电化学中黄金,钯盐使用量,也可做为UV示踪剂使用. |
ANDEROL 555 SYNTHETIC COMPRESSOR OIL 5USGANDEROL 555 is an ISO 100 diester based synthetic compressor lubricant specifically designed to provide longterm lubrication in process gas compressors. |
NYCO GREASE GN GA 47 50KG PAIL AIR 4247A S-720NYCO GN GA47润滑脂是纯凡士林与50%微细石墨的一个均匀混合物。 |
NYCO TURBONYCOIL 3516 208LT DRUM MIL-PRF-6081D GRD 1010 O-133Nyco Turbonycoil 3516 is a mineral turbine oil blended from mineral naphthenic base stocks and anti-oxidant additives, with a viscosity of 2 cSt at 100C. |