BONDERITE L-GP 156 GRAPHITE DISPERSION IN SOLVENT ACHESON 石墨润滑油 0.39KGDag 156是一种基于石墨的干膜润滑剂,适用于商业或者军用核反应堆及其辅助设备的润滑 |
NYE RHEOTEMP 500 1LB PLASTIC PAILRheotemp 500 is a sodium complex soap thickened, light viscosity, ester grease intended for high speed ball bearing applications. |
EUROCUT 767LF FLUID LUBRICANT 25LTEUROCUT 767 LF is a multipurpose, semi synthetic water soluble cutting and grinding fluid. It is a long life fluid, formulated for high performance on difficult machining operations with low staining characteristics on aluminium alloys. |
CASTROL HF585B FLUID 20LT DRUMCastrol Aero HF585B is a petroleum based aircraft hydraulic fluid which is dyed red. It is produced from low viscosity highly-refined mineral basestock, shear-stable viscosity index improver, antioxidants, corrosion inhibitors and antiwear additives. |
LUBYSIL BCO14 LUBRICANT 5LTLUBYSIL BCO 14 Is A Unique Ultra Low Viscosity Cutting Fluid. Developed for machining very tough metals in the aerospace and nuclear industries. |
BONDERITE L-GP D148A 1KGEndu PTFE D 148A is a PTFE based varnish developing a dry and lubricating coating after curing. |
APIEZON T GREASE 25GM TUBE润滑脂Apiezon T grease is a filled hydrocarbon grease for general sealing and lubrication in the medium temperature range. |
TRIBOLUBE-37全氟润滑脂,1LBS包装TRIBOLUBE-37是专门为非常宽温条件下、与强酸、强氧化剂、燃料以及溶剂的物质经常接触的磨擦副设计制作的全 氟聚醚润滑脂,运行温度范围−73℃∼288℃。具有非常低的低温起动力矩和极低的蒸发损失;具有极强的化学惰性, 不与强碱、强酸、强氧化剂、燃料、溶剂等物质发生反应;具有优异的极压抗磨性能,四球焊接负载可达800kg; 与大多数橡胶、塑料相容。 |
TRIBOLUBE-37HS全氟润滑脂,1LBS包装TRIBOLUBE-37是专门为非常宽温条件下、与强酸、强氧化剂、燃料以及溶剂的物质经常接触的磨擦副设计制作的全 氟聚醚润滑脂,运行温度范围−73℃∼288℃。具有非常低的低温起动力矩和极低的蒸发损失;具有极强的化学惰性, 不与强碱、强酸、强氧化剂、燃料、溶剂等物质发生反应;具有优异的极压抗磨性能,四球焊接负载可达800kg; 与大多数橡胶、塑料相容。 |
TRIBOLUBE-37MS全氟润滑脂,1LBS包装TRIBOLUBE-37是专门为非常宽温条件下、与强酸、强氧化剂、燃料以及溶剂的物质经常接触的磨擦副设计制作的全 氟聚醚润滑脂,运行温度范围−73℃∼288℃。具有非常低的低温起动力矩和极低的蒸发损失;具有极强的化学惰性, 不与强碱、强酸、强氧化剂、燃料、溶剂等物质发生反应;具有优异的极压抗磨性能,四球焊接负载可达800kg; 与大多数橡胶、塑料相容。 |
Tribolube-37RMSW全氟润滑脂,1LBS包装TRIBOLUBE-37是专门为非常宽温条件下、与强酸、强氧化剂、燃料以及溶剂的物质经常接触的磨擦副设计制作的全 氟聚醚润滑脂,运行温度范围−73℃∼288℃。具有非常低的低温起动力矩和极低的蒸发损失;具有极强的化学惰性, 不与强碱、强酸、强氧化剂、燃料、溶剂等物质发生反应;具有优异的极压抗磨性能,四球焊接负载可达800kg; 与大多数橡胶、塑料相容。 |
Tribolube-37RPA全氟润滑脂,1LBS包装TRIBOLUBE-37是专门为非常宽温条件下、与强酸、强氧化剂、燃料以及溶剂的物质经常接触的磨擦副设计制作的全 氟聚醚润滑脂,运行温度范围−73℃∼288℃。具有非常低的低温起动力矩和极低的蒸发损失;具有极强的化学惰性, 不与强碱、强酸、强氧化剂、燃料、溶剂等物质发生反应;具有优异的极压抗磨性能,四球焊接负载可达800kg; 与大多数橡胶、塑料相容。 |
Tribolube -37RPCMS全氟润滑脂,1LBS包装TRIBOLUBE-37是专门为非常宽温条件下、与强酸、强氧化剂、燃料以及溶剂的物质经常接触的磨擦副设计制作的全 氟聚醚润滑脂,运行温度范围−73℃∼288℃。具有非常低的低温起动力矩和极低的蒸发损失;具有极强的化学惰性, 不与强碱、强酸、强氧化剂、燃料、溶剂等物质发生反应;具有优异的极压抗磨性能,四球焊接负载可达800kg; 与大多数橡胶、塑料相容。 |
LPS 2 LUBRICANT 5USG包装,符合MIL-C-81309 TYPE IIILPS 2R可为手持及机械工具、部件和设备提供一层极佳的保护层。 |
LPS 2 LUBRICANT 25LT桶装LPS 2R可为手持及机械工具、部件和设备提供一层极佳的保护层。 |
BONDERITE L-GP HTBL PA12.5KGGraco HTBL is a multi-purpose No 2 grease, based on solvent refined mineral oil thickened with a lithium complex soap. It includes tackiness additive to improve the adhesion of the grease to metal surfaces. |
NYE 181B SYNTHETIC OIL 1USGA light viscosity synthetic hydrocarbon oil intended for Computer Discs, Tape Drives, Cameras, Appliances, Power Tools, Medical and Dental Equipment, Servo and Stepping Motors, and all Precision Rotating Devices. |
KRYTOX GPL105 OIL 500GMKrytox® GPL 100–107 oils are clear, colorless, fluorinated synthetic oils that are nonreactive, nonflammable, safe in chemical and oxygen service, and are long-lasting. |
FREKOTE 44NC RELEASE AGENT 5LTLoctite Frekote 44-NC is a release agent where a non-transferring release is necessary. This semi-permanent, non-migratory release system chemically bonds to the mold surface to form a micro thin film which is stable at temperatures exceeding most molding |
MILLER MS143H PTFE 1USQ包装这些新的和改进的米勒 - 斯蒂芬森脱模剂/干润滑油,具有粒径较小的PTFE,使用杜邦公司的特富龙化学物质,创建的低分子量聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)的含氟聚合物的悬浮液 - 白色,蜡的含氟聚合物的悬浮液 - 白色,蜡 |
KRYTOX 283AD 2OZ包装KRYTOX®283系列防腐润滑脂是白色含有亚硝酸钠的润滑脂。 |
OMD90 ENGINE OIL 25LT DRUM DEF/STAN91-113/1 600058670 |
APIEZON H GREASE 25GM TUBEApiezon H润滑脂是高温情况下理想的选择,适合在不同工业和科学应用. |
KS PAUL ZX35 500GM DEF/STAN68-62/ISS-2ZX-35 is a very high grade acid-purified Molybdenum Disulphide powder meeting the Ministry of Defence Specification DEF.STAN.68-62/2. For use on all Military and Aircraft applications requiring a Molybdenum Disulphide powder and for incorporation in all M |
NYCO TURBONYCOIL 3512 20LT PAIL AIR 3512/A, DEF STAN 91-97/1, OM-71Turbonycoil 3512 is a petroleum lubricating oil with a viscosity of 9 cSt at 100oC. It is intended for the lubrication of aircraft turbine engines and some artillery equipment. |