BONDERITE S-OT DURCISSEUR 0.17KGPreviously called ACHESON DURCISSEURBONDERITE S-OT DURCISSEUR is the second component for use in certain 2-component Acheson formulations. |
MAGNALUBE GREASE G 14.5OZ CARTRIDGEMagnalube-G PTFE Grease is a high-temp grease that will outlast conventional grease lubricants. |
PX7 PETROLATUM TECH 3KG CAN DEF/STAN91-38/1PX7 PETROLATUM TECH is a Soft petrolium jelly used for preservation of battery terminals, torpedo mechanisms and components. |
STABILANT 22 CONTACT OIL 5ML包装(可以稀释成30ML 22A - 22)Stabilant22是用于薄膜金属触点之间初始导电时2个金属接头非导电薄膜,在电场的作用下又可以变成导电。 |
GASOILA SOFT SET THREAD SEALANT 8OZ BRUSH TOP CANGasoila® Soft-Set Thread Sealant with PTFE provides a positive seal on pipe threads, joints, fittings, hoses, nozzles, LPG cylinders, pump assemblies, oil burners, hydraulics, compressors, engines, motors, housings, plugs, fuel lines, couplings and more. |
BONDERITE L-GP OILDAG EU 1KG包装TIN 9150-99-224-2457Oildag是一种高稳定,减少磨损和摩擦的超细石墨颗粒的石化产品。 |
ACHESON DELTACAST 696 1KG 润滑油Deltacast696是一种柔软的油脂,含有耐火颜料,通常为保护铸铁模具或者需要保护的表面,免收熔融金属或助溶剂的侵蚀. |
NYCO GREASE GN GA 47 1KG CAN AIR 4247A S-720润滑脂NYCO GN GA47润滑脂是纯凡士林与50%微细石墨的一个均匀混合物。 |
NYCO GREASE GN 05 2.5KG CAN AIR 4205B G-359Nyco Grease GN 05 is a NLGI 2 grease based on a high viscosity mineral oil thickened by clay. |
NYCO GREASE GN 142 G-414 – DCSEA 301/A2 5KG CANNyco Grease GN 14 is a soap thickened petroleum grease for general purpose application. |
NYCO GREASE GN 06 2.5KG包装,符合DCSEA355A G-355NYCO GN06润滑脂是基于矿物油的,在100℃下粘度是5cSt,增稠与锂皂。 |
NYCO GREASE GN 15 2.5KG CAN DCSEA 382A G-382Nyco Grease GN 15 is lithium grease based on a mineral oil with a viscosity of 5 cSt at 100°C. |
MILLER MS381H-UV 400ML喷雾装通过结合卓越的润滑品质的聚苯醚,氢氟醚共沸物(D0403B-10UV除外)的洗净力,米勒 - 斯蒂芬森已创建的连接器润滑油,配方提供了最先进的处理连接器方法。 |
MILLER MS-381H-UV CONNECTOR LUBRICANT 400ML包装通过结合卓越的润滑品质的聚苯醚,氢氟醚共沸物(D0403B-10UV除外)的洗净力,米勒 - 斯蒂芬森已创建的连接器润滑油,配方提供了最先进的处理连接器方法。 |
LUBCON TURMOPAST MA 2 400GM CARTRIDGETurmopast MA2 is a synthetic special grease for extreme conditions. |
Bonderite L-CA 696(1KG包装)Deltacast696是一种柔软的油脂,含有耐火颜料,通常为保护铸铁模具或者需要保护的表面,免收熔融金属或助溶剂的侵蚀. |
JETLUBE MOLY PETROLATUM 500GM MIL-PRF-83483CJet Lube's Moly Petroleum anti-seize is manufactured to to prevent seizing during assembly or disassembly of aircraft engine spark plugs and threaded fasteners and fittings at temperatures below 800°F. |
NYCO GREASE GN 10 2.5KG CAN MIL-PRF-23827C G-354Nyco Grease GN 10 is a soft NLGI 2 grease, based on a synthetic diester oil thickened with a lithium soap. |
LPS1 LUBRICANT 3.78LT CANLPS 1 Greaseless Lubricant is specially formulated to give a dry, thin lubricating film that penetrates deep into minute crevices while resisting oil, dust and dirt build-up. |
LPS 2 LUBRICANT 3.78L包装LPS 2R可为手持及机械工具、部件和设备提供一层极佳的保护层。 |
NYCO GREASE GN 07 2.5KG CAN DCSEA361B G-361Nyco Grease GN 07 is a clay-thickened NLGI 2 grease, based on a highly thermostable polyol ester with a viscosity of 5 cSt at 100°C. |
3M FLUORINERT FC40 FLUID 1KG3M Fluorinert 氟素化学品有着良好的化学惰性,与电子类部件接触时,不会对其产生任何腐蚀,使用过后也不需特定的清洗步骤,因此广泛用作电子测试液体.同时因其出色的热传导性也被用做稳定的冷却液. |
BONDERITE L-GP 580 BO 0.85KG MSRR 3001Acheson Dag 580 is a colloidal dispersion of specially processed micro-graphite in ethyl alcohol. It is used for the formation of dry lubricating films and electrically conducting coatings. It is also employed as an anti-seize material on screw threads. |
NYE RHEOTEMP 500 100GM TUBERheotemp 500 is a sodium complex soap thickened, light viscosity, ester grease intended for high speed ball bearing applications. |
NYCO TURBONYCOIL 3516 5LT CAN MIL-PRF-6081D GRD 1010 O-133Nyco Turbonycoil 3516 is a mineral turbine oil blended from mineral naphthenic base stocks and anti-oxidant additives, with a viscosity of 2 cSt at 100C. |