Ashcroft 25-1009-SWL-02B-60# 机械压力表0 to 60 psi Ashcroft Filled High-Accuracy Gauge, 2 1/2" Dial, Back Connection |
Ashcroft 63-1008-SL-02L-100#/KPA 机械压力表0 to 100 psi and 0 to 700 kPa Dual-Scale Gauge, Bottom Connection |
Cole-Parmer 2091250PG2M1102CP1 精度压力表变送器0 to 250 psig Cole-Parmer ±0.25%-Accuracy Gauge Transmitter, 4 to 20 mA Output |
Wika 9314121 工艺压力表Wika Forged Brass Industrial Gauge ~ 0 To 15 PSI, 1/2 |
Wika 4337809 工艺压力表NSF-Certified Pressure Gauge, 0 to 60 PSI, Center Back Mount 1/8" NPT(M) Connection |
Dwyer 2010AV 差压表Dwyer Magnehelic Differential Pressure Gauge, 2203: 0/3PSI |
Extech EX840 红外测温仪1000A AC/DC True RMS Clamp/DMM/IR Thermometer, CAT IV 600V Rated |
Cole-Parmer S2C1A1040SFJGMALE 混合超声多普勒/过境时间流量计Ultrasonic Hybrid Doppler/transit Time Flowmeter, For 4" Schedule 80 PVC |
Cole-Parmer 080T6-24-62-5 电磁阀电动阀门Cole-Parmer Manifold Mixing Solenoid Valve; 24 VDC, PEEK body, 6 solenoid, 6 inlet, 1 outlet |
Cole-Parmer 080T5-12-62 电磁阀电动阀门Cole-Parmer Manifold Mixing Solenoid Valve; 12 VDC, PTFE body, 5 solenoid, 5 inlet, 1 outlet |
Bacharach 1540-2009 室内空气质量监测器Bacharach IEQ Chek™ Indoor Air Quality Monitor for Incubators, with CO2 and O2 sensors, sampling pump, remote probe |
Cole-Parmer 080T4-12-62 电磁阀电动阀门Cole-Parmer Manifold Mixing Solenoid Valve; 12 VDC, PTFE body, 4 solenoid, 4 inlet, 1 outlet |
Cole-Parmer FS1-600-7V 变截面流量计Flowmeter 700 - 7000 mL/min |
Cole-Parmer 156265 水流指示器Cole-Parmer Flow Indicator/Switch for Liquids; brass, 1/4" NPT(F), 24 VDC |
Cole-Parmer PMR1-010744 变截面流量计Cole-Parmer 150-mm Direct Reading Flowmeter, Ss/Carboloy Float; For Water, Without Valve; 200 mL/min |
Cole-Parmer PMR1-010863 浮子流量计Cole-Parmer 65-mm Direct Reading Flowmeter, Ss/Glass Float; For Air, Without Valve; 6 scfh |
Cole-Parmer PMR1-010763 浮子流量计Cole-Parmer 150-mm Direct Reading Flowmeter, Aluminum/Ss Float; For Water, With Valve; 20 mL/min |
Cole-Parmer PMR1-010874 浮子流量计Cole-Parmer 65-mm Direct Reading Flowmeter, Aluminum/Glass Float; For Air, With Valve; 100 mL/min |
德国Kobold MIK 5NAU4R C34P 3/8“PP配件; 0.13到2.6 GPM; 4至20 mA和一个PNP开关输出的磁感应流量计Magneto-inductive Flowmeter With 3/8" PP Fittings; 0.13 To 2.6 GPM; 4 To 20 mA And One Pnp Switch Output |
Cole-Parmer 064-01G 浮子流量计Flowtubes for argon |
Cole-Parmer TP2 浮子流量计Tripod Bases, tripod base f/multitube frames |
Cole-Parmer 面板安装太阳能温度计塑料外壳Cole-Parmer Panel-mount solar powered thermometer with plastic case |
Extech MO300 通用/验楼水分仪Extech MO300 InspectorPro 8-in-1 Combination Pin and Pinless Moisture Meter with Android |
美国Monarch DC2-M-1-U4-00000无纸记录仪D2-M-1-U4-0-0-000:4CH.Rcdr Monochrome Display Recorder |
Spirax Sarco B1H-125 1/2" 64150 蒸汽处理配件Cast iron inverted bucket steam trap; 1/2" NPT(F), 125 psig |