德国Kobold MIK 5NAU7N C34P 磁感应流量计的1/2“PVC管件0.4至8 GPM; 4至20 mA和一个PNP开关输出
可以应用于各种导电性的液体,酸,焦散等流体的流量测量。应用磁感应技术,没有移动部件,不锈钢焊条焊接的Ryton PPS机身。
MIK Kobald系列磁感应流量计是测量导电液体的流量的理想选择,是应对可靠性和低电磁流量计压力损失需要的完美解决方案。
这些固态元件没有移动部件磨损问题,使他们非常可靠。对于粘性和肮脏的液体测量没有防治精度退化。内部采用的是的湿物料聚苯硫醚PPS 316L不锈钢焊条。选择从仪表输出4至20 mA电流或通过一个PNP开关显示。附件34900-90是一个4针,6英尺微型DC连接器电缆为4至20 mA输出模式。附件34900-92是一个6英尺5针,通过微型DC连接器电缆与显示和输出相连的机型。
Magneto-inductive Flowmeter With 3/8" PVC Fittings; 0.20 To 4 GPM; 4 To 20 mA Output
For use with a wide variety of conductive liquids, acids, and caustics
Magneto-inductive technology with no moving parts Ryton PPS body with stainless steel electrodes
PVC or PP fittings
The Kobald MIK-series magneto-inductive flowmeter is the perfect solution for measuring the flow of conductive liquids in applications where the reliability and low pressure loss of a magmeter is desired.
These meters measure flow using the magneto-inductive principle. According to Faraday’s law of magnetic induction, current is induced into a conductor as it moves through a magnetic field. The amount of current induced is directly proportional to the velocity of the moving conductor. A conductive liquid passing through the meter and the body acts as the conductor. The meter body contains a set of electromagnetic coils that generate the magnetic field. Electrodes mounted in the meter body collect the current whose magnitude is proportional to flowrate.
These solid-state meters have no moving parts to wear out, making them very reliable. Viscous and dirty liquids are measured with no accuracy degredation. The wetted materials for the flow body are Ryton PPS with 316L stainless steel electrodes. Choose from meters with 4 to 20 mA output or with a display and 4 to 20 mA output with one PNP switch. Accessory 34900-90 is a 4-pin, 6-ft micro-DC connector cable for the 4 to 20 mA output models. Accessory 34900-92 is a 5-pin, 6-ft micro-DC connector cable for models with display and output.
Other configurations such as body material, fitting type, electronics, and totalizer are available. Contact a Davis Application Specialist for details.
产品规格 |
产品类型 |
电磁流量计 |
描述 |
电磁流量传感器 |
准确性 |
满量程的±2.0% |
材料(配件) |
最高工作温度(ºF) |
176 |
最高工作温度(°C) |
80 |
最大压力 |
145磅 |
符合CE认证 |
是 |
工作温度 |
32到176°F(0至80℃) |
电气连接 |
6英尺5针,微型DC连接器 |
品牌 |
kobold |
型号 |
功率 |
24 VDC |
制造商编号 |
Specifications |
Product Type |
Magnetic Flowmeters |
Description |
Magnetic Flow Sensor |
Accuracy |
±2.0% of full scale |
Material (fitting) |
Max operating temperature (º F) |
176 |
Max operating temperature (º C) |
80 |
Max pressure |
145 psi |
CE Compliance |
Yes |
Operating temperature |
32 to 176°F (0 to 80°C) |
Electrical connections |
5-pin, 6-ft micro-DC connector |
Brand |
Kobold |
Model |
Power |
24 VDC |
Manufacturer number |
4.最小起订数量:1 ,进口产品货期,请跟产品担当联系!
联系方式: 电话:021-52069907 分机 或拨0转总机,传真:010-52060857
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