产品规格 |
产品类型 |
超声波流量计 |
描述 |
超声波流量计 |
准确性 |
±1%读数@> 1米/秒流速 |
最高工作温度(ºF) |
140 |
最高工作温度(°C) |
60 |
最大压力 |
72.5磅 |
产量 |
MODBUS®,RS-485和4至20 mA |
过程连接 |
1/2“ |
符合CE认证 |
是 |
工作温度 |
32至140°F(0至60°C) |
显示 |
4位LED |
品牌 |
Levitronix |
功率 |
24 VDC |
出厂编号 |
100-90606 |
Improved bubble robustness due to DSP technology
No contamination due to noninvasive measurement
Choice of Z or U shaped flow patterns
Designed for flow measurement in high-purity processes in the pharmaceutical and semiconductor industry, flow is sensed by two piezoelectric transducers mounted at both ends of the measuring path of the fluid stream, generating and receiving an ultrasonic wave. The wave going in direction of the flow (with-stream wave) is accelerated and the wave going against (against-stream wave) the flow direction is slowed down. The two waves are processed by a signal converter. The difference of the transmit time of both waves is proportional to the velocity of the fluid.
The standard configuration of the LEVIFLOW™ flowmeters consists of a flowtube with two sensor and a converter with digital signal processor (DSP) and 4-digit display. The single-channel flow converter is DIN-rail mountable and features an alarm abd totalization. Various signals (analog, digital input and digital output) are provided and can be configured with PC software. A two wire RS 485 bus allows arrays of multiple flowmeters.
What's Included:
Flowtube with two sensors and flow converter. Note: Extension cables are required and sold separately below.
Specifications |
Product Type |
Ultrasonic Flowmeters |
Description |
Ultrasonic Flowmeter |
Accuracy |
±1% of reading @>1 m/s flow velocity |
Max operating temperature (º F) |
140 |
Max operating temperature (º C) |
60 |
Max pressure |
72.5 psi |
Output |
MODBUS®, RS-485, and 4 to 20 mA |
Process connection |
1/2" |
CE Compliance |
Yes |
Operating temperature |
32 to 140°F (0 to 60°C) |
Display |
4-digit LED |
Brand |
Levitronix |
Power |
24 VDC |
Manufacturer number |
100-90606 |
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联系方式: 电话:021-52069907 分机 或拨0转总机,传真:010-52060857
- 1、技术沟通,初步判断问题电话,与客户进行初步沟通、了解并初步判断仪器所出现的故障问题。
- 2、签订维修协议由我公司向客户发送仪器维修协议,客户需如实填写内容并回传以便我司对仪器做进一步判断。
- 3、客户邮寄仪器客户可按照我司地址邮寄仪器,并将快递单拍照发送至您的专属客服进行备案。
- 4、详细诊断机器故障我司收到邮寄仪器后会对邮寄的仪器进行拍照并开箱检验,对仪器做进一步故障判断。
- 5、支付维修费用如客户仪器在保修期内,我司不收取任何维修费,如客户仪器在保修期外,我司会适当收取维修费。
- 6、邮寄仪器给客户我司将维修好的仪器按客户地址进行拍照并邮寄,自此虽维修协议终止,但我司将提供终身免费答疑及技术指导。
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粒子计数器校准装置 | 更多型号请咨询客服19mro@19mro.com |
- 2018-02-22 11:49greyline logger V2.90软件
- 2017-11-04 18:19XCT-2000 型超声波流量计中文说明书