AC-powered, two PID loops, dual setpoint programmer, Modbus master & EtherNet/IP Client/Server, one relay and two DC outputs
交流供电,两个PID回路,双设定点编程,Modbus主站和以太网/ IP的客户机/服务器,一个继电器和两个DC输出
8 Hz采样和记录速率
节省空间,1/4 DIN面板安装设计
nanodac无纸记录仪,在一个小巧的1/4 DIN面板上,显示安全记录数据,图形,以及可选的PID控制。全彩色3.5“TFT水晶般清晰的操作界面监测,控制过程。选择查看横向和纵向趋势,条形图或数值信息,并方便地显示报警状态和控制回路。四个前面板按钮视图之间简单滚动。
nanodac包含50 MB的非易失性闪存数据存储。所有过程数据不断记录这个内存和记录仪上,提供多个归档策略,以确保您的数据永不丢失。可自动归档数据到数据库,可拆卸的USB记忆棒,或以太网FTP站点。基于电脑工具支持记录仪功能,可在你任何需要的时候提取数据。iTools的软件(下载到创建一个安全数据库,根据需要图表可回顾,打印和导出到其他电脑套件。所有的数据都是加密的二进制文件(UHH格式),并可以放到允许第三方数据备份的网络上。
可选的碳氧化锆块,通常使用控制回路,用于控制在炉中的碳百分比。nanodac还可用来作为碳监视器。nanodac与消毒器块的拟用于与桌面消毒器保持和记录温度,在这个过程中,被集成到PLC处理清洗。型号70001-27 70002-43的可选消毒器或湿度块。
Highly accurate process measurements with high noise rejection
Option of two independent PID control loops
Secure, binary data (UHH) or open (CSV) data files
4 universal input channels with 125 ms parallel sampling
14 additional channels for use as math functions, totalizers or counters
8 Hz sample and recording rate
High-density I/O
USB and Ethernet ports
Simple to configure via push buttons or iTools software
Crystal-clear, full-color display
Space-saving, 1/4 DIN panel-mount design
The nanodac paperless recorder features secure data recording, graphical display, and optional PID control—all in a compact 1/4 DIN panel-mount design. Full-color 3.5” TFT provides a crystal-clear operator interface for monitoring and process control. Choose to view your process information with horizontal and vertical trends, bar graphs or numeric values, and easily display the alarm status and control loops. Four front-panel push buttons allow simple scrolling between configured views.
Each nanodac contains 50 MB of nonvolatile Flash memory for data storage. All process data is continually logged to this memory and the recorder offers multiple archive strategies to ensure that your data is never lost. You can automatically archive data to a database, to a removable USB memory stick, or over the Ethernet via FTP site.
Recorder functionality is supported by PC-based tools to get data in the way you need it. iTools software (download from creates a secure library for data from which charts can be reviewed, printed and exported to other PC packages as required. All data is encrypted in binary files (UHH format) and can be configured to run over the network which allows for a third data backup route.
Choose models with two independent PIC control loops for reliable control of your process. Functionality includes one of the best autotune facilities available along with overshoot inhibition (cutbacks); compensation for power fluctuations using power feedforward; and linear, fan, oil, and water cooling. Configuration is also done using the downloadable iTools software; any configuration created for a nanodac recorder/controller can be stored, modified offline, and cloned for use in other Eurotherm instruments, saving you time and money.
The optional carbon zirconia block, normally used with control loops, is used for percentage carbon control in furnace atmospheres; the nanodac can also be used as a carbon monitor.
The nanodac with sterilizer block is intended to be used with desktop sterilizers to maintain and recorder temperature during the process and is integrated with the PLC handling the cleaning.
See model numbers 70001-27 through 70002-43 for optional sterilzer or humidity block.
产品规格 | |
产品类型 | Nanodac无纸记录仪 |
控制输入(热电偶) | 是 |
控制输入(RTD) | 是 |
控制输出1 | 逻辑 |
控制输出2 | 中继 |
控制输出3 | 直流模拟 |
控制输出4 | PID控制回路(X2) |
显示 | 3.5“TFT |
DIN尺寸 | 1/4“ |
符合CE认证 | 是 |
电源(VAC) | 90至254 |
Specifications | |
Product Type | Nanodac paperless recorder |
Control input (thermocouple) | Yes |
Control input (RTD) | Yes |
Control output 1 | Logic |
Control output 2 | Relay |
Control output 3 | DC analog |
Control output 4 | PID control loops (x2) |
Display | 3.5" TFT |
DIN size | 1/4" |
CE Compliance | Yes |
Power (VAC) | 90 to 254 |
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联系方式: 电话:021-52069907 分机 或拨0转总机,传真:010-52060857
- 1、技术沟通,初步判断问题电话,与客户进行初步沟通、了解并初步判断仪器所出现的故障问题。
- 2、签订维修协议由我公司向客户发送仪器维修协议,客户需如实填写内容并回传以便我司对仪器做进一步判断。
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- 4、详细诊断机器故障我司收到邮寄仪器后会对邮寄的仪器进行拍照并开箱检验,对仪器做进一步故障判断。
- 5、支付维修费用如客户仪器在保修期内,我司不收取任何维修费,如客户仪器在保修期外,我司会适当收取维修费。
- 6、邮寄仪器给客户我司将维修好的仪器按客户地址进行拍照并邮寄,自此虽维修协议终止,但我司将提供终身免费答疑及技术指导。
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