or more than a decade-and-a-half, the DW/142 Specification for Sheet Metal
Ductwork published by the Heating and Ventilating Contractors’ Association
has gained national and international recognition as the industry standard
against which the quality of ductwork manufacture and installation can be judged.
In recent years, however, it has become increasingly evident to the members of
the HVCA Ductwork Group that the developments in technology and working
practices which have taken place since the drafting of DW/142 have rendered
obsolete significant parts of the document.
It was an acknowledgement of this state of affairs which led the Technical Sub-
Committee of the Ductwork Group, ably chaired by Edgar Poppleton, to undertake
the task of producing a radically revised specification which would promote best
practice and quality standards well into the next Millennium.
This new publication — designated DW/144 — represents the direct result of
that initiative.
The new specification recognises the computer age — with special reference to
CAD/CAM procedures and techniques — and the international performance stan-
dards established by the Committee for European Normalisation (CEN), as well as
the need to update and consolidate much of the information contained in the origi-
nal DW/142 publication and its Addendum A companion volume.
During the drafting process, the Technical Sub-Committee has consulted widely
with individuals and organisations throughout the building services and construc-
tion sectors in order to ensure that the new specification fully reflected the current
the “state-of-the-art” in terms both of technical expertise and industry best practice.
I firmly believe that this process has resulted in a publication which clearly
demonstrates the high level of professionalism which exists within the ductwork
community — and I take this opportunity of thanking all those who have con-
tributed to its production.
In particular, my thanks go to Edgar Poppleton and his colleagues on the
Technical Sub-Committee, to Keith Elphick for the provision of invaluable techni-
cal consultancy, and to Ductwork Group secretary Gareth Keller for overseeing the
project as a whole.