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序号 标准 国家 描述

1 BS EN 12237:2003 EU Ventilation for buildings—Ductwork—Strength and leakage of circular sheet metal ducts. 

2 BS EN 1507:2006 EU Ventilation for buildings—Sheet metal air ducts with rectangular section—Requirements for strength and leakage. 

3 DW/143 EU HVAC—A practical guide to Ductwork leakage testing. 

4 Eurovent 2/2 EU Air leakage rate in sheet metal air distribution systems. 

5 SMACNA HVAC Air Duct Leakage Test manual, First edition, 1985 US Duct construction leakage classification, expected leakage rates for sealed and unsealed ductwork, duct leakage test procedures, recommendations on use of leakage testing, types of test apparatus and test setup and sample leakage analysis. 

6 AABC US Associated Air Balance Council AABC Standard

7 GB50243 GB 通风与空调工程质量验收规范


(1) EU Standards   EN12237

Air Tightness Class Air Leakage Limit (fmax) m3/s/m2 Static Pressure Limit (ps) Pa

Negative Positive

A (0.027×P_t^0.65)/1000 500 500

B (0.009×P_t^0.65)/1000 750 1000

C (0.003×P_t^0.65)/1000 750 2000

D (0.001×P_t^0.65)/1000 750 2000

* Class D ductwork is only for special apparatus

(2) EU Standards   EN1507

Air Tightness Class Air Leakage Limit (fmax) m3/s/m2 Static Pressure Limit (ps) Pa

Negative Positive at pressure class

1 2 3

A (0.027×P_t^0.65)/1000 200 400

B (0.009×P_t^0.65)/1000 500 400 1000 2000

C (0.003×P_t^0.65)/1000 750 400 1000 2000

D* (0.001×P_t^0.65)/1000 750 400 1000 2000

* Class D ductwork is only for special apparatus

(3) EU Standards   Dw/143

Duct Pressure Class Static Pressure Limit Maximum Air Velocity m/s Air leakage limits l/s/m2

Positive Pa Negative Pa

Low-pressure – Class A 500 500 10 0.027×P_t^0.65

Medium pressure – Class B 1000 750 20 0.009×P_t^0.65

High pressure – Class C 2000 750 40 0.003×P_t^0.65






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