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KIMO KTH-350_KTR-350_Datalogger原版资料

a record interval to be used whilst the readings are beyond the setpoints. - a record interval for t
下载次数:185 浏览次数:642发布时间:2018-02-11 21:36
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KISTOCK can record in 5 different ways :

● ''Immediate'' mode records values according a predefined interval.

● ''Minimum'', ''Maximum'' and ''Average'' record automatically the calculation of minimum,

maximum or average of measured values during an interval of recording.

● ''Monitoring'' mode allows to get an accurate history report during error events to help

troubleshooting, without stopping the measurement logging. To proceed this way, you just have to

define :

- a record interval to be used whilst the readings are beyond the setpoints.

- a record interval for the values measured during each reading beyond the setpoints..

Furthermore, you can also let your KISTOCK record non-stop (''loop'' recording option).

4 types dataset start

Once your recording mode has been set, you can launch your dataset :

● With a delayed start (with predefined date and time)

● With the software

● With push-button

● With ''Online'' option. In this case, your datasets are directly sent, saved and displayed on your PC

in real time.

6 types of dataset stop

You can stop your dataset :

● According to a date and time (if it was started the same way)

● According to a period

● According to a predefined number of recording points

● Once the storage capacity is full

● With ''Stop'' option of the software

● By holding ''OK'' key for at least 5s, if this function has been previously activated by the software

Input for PC connection

Jack connector


Input for KistockPC




°C...Temperature in degrees Celsius

°F...Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit

%RH..........Relative humidity (KTH 350)

td...Dew point temperature (KTH 350)

V or mV Voltage expressed in V or mV

A or mA Current expressed in A or mA


Once ''thermometer'' function is activated, KISTOCK allows you to display information as

below :

● Difference of temperature between 2 external probes (''Delta T''),

● Minimum temperature

● Maximum temperature

● Hold the temperature measured (''Hold''). 


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