Masterflex® 77927-10 L / S ®四通道泵系统的L / S高效精密泵管,1 100转,90到260 VACMasterflex® L/S® Four-Channel Pump System for L/S High-Performance Precision Pump Tubing; 1 to 100 rpm, 90 to 260 VAC |
Masterflex® 07591-10 I / P ®变速洗模块化驱动器,20-650 RPM,115VMasterflex® I/P® Variable Speed Wash-down Modular Drive, 20-650 RPM, 115V. |
Masterflex® 07591-15 I / P ®变速洗下来模块化驱动器,20-650转,230VMasterflex® I/P® Variable Speed Wash-down Modular Drive, 20-650 RPM, 230V. |
Masterflex® 77962-00 I / P ®变速模块化泵系统,20-650 RPM,115VMasterflex® I/P® Variable Speed Modular Pump System, 20-650 RPM, 115V. |
Masterflex® 77962-07 I / P ®变速模块化泵系统,20-650 RPM,230VMasterflex® I/P® Variable Speed Modular Pump System, 20-650 RPM, 230V. |
Masterflex® 07592-20 I / P ®变速模块化数字驱动器,20-650转,115VMasterflex® I/P® variable-speed modular digital drive, 20-650 rpm, 115V. |
Masterflex® 07592-27 I / P ®变速模块化数字驱动器,20-650转,230VMasterflex® I/P® variable-speed modular digital drive, 20-650 rpm, 230V |
Masterflex® 77301-40 L / S数字式模块化远程I / O分配驱动器与0.1至600 rpm,90到260 VACMasterflex L/S Digital Modular Dispensing Drive with Remote I/O; 0.1 to 600 rpm, 90 to 260 VAC |
Masterflex® 77924-50 L / S ®计算机兼容的数字泵系统的易装® 3泵头,600 RPM,115/230 VACMasterflex® L/S® Computer-Compatible Digital Pump System with Easy-Load® 3 Pump Head, 600 RPM, 115/230 VAC |
Masterflex® 77924-60 L / S ®计算机兼容的数字泵系统的易装® II泵头,600 RPM,115/230 VACMasterflex® L/S® Computer-Compatible Digital Pump System with Easy-Load® II Pump Head, 600 RPM, 115/230 VAC |
Masterflex® 77919-30 L / S ®四通道,八辊墨盒泵系统,115/230 VACL/S® Four-Channel, Eight Roller Cartridge Pump System; 115/230 VAC |
Masterflex® 07583-50 I / P ®变速危险责任驱动,10-430转,115VMasterflex® I/P® variable-speed hazardous-duty drive, 10-430 rpm, 115V. |
Masterflex® 77411-00 I / P ®精密无刷驱动器与模拟遥控器,33至650转,115/230 VACMasterflex® I/P® Precision Brushless Drive with Analog Remote, 33 to 650 rpm, 115/230 VAC |
Masterflex® 77963-10 I / P精密无刷水泵系统与易装泵头77601-10,115/230 VACMasterflex I/P precision brushless pump system with Easy-Load pump head 77601-10, 115/230 VAC |
Masterflex® 77963-20 I / P 高性能泵头,115/230 VAC的精密无刷水泵系统Masterflex® I/P® precision brushless pump system with High-Performance pump head 77600-62, 115/230 VAC |
Masterflex® 07592-35 I / P ®洗模块化数字驱动器,壁挂式控制器,20-650转,230VMasterflex® I/P® wash-down modular digital drive with wall-mount controller, 20-650 rpm, 230V. |
Masterflex® 07592-30 I / P ®洗下来的模块化数字驱动器与控制器,壁挂式20-650转,115VMasterflex® I/P® wash-down modular digital drive with wall-mount controller, 20-650 rpm, 115V. |
Masterflex® 77962-10 I/P ®变速洗模块化泵系统,20-650 RPM,115VMasterflex® I/P® Variable Speed Wash-down Modular Pump System, 20-650 RPM, 115V |
Masterflex® 77918-20 L / S ®数字泵系统的GORE ®高韧性管材风格的500,易装® II泵头77200-62L/S® Digital Pump System with GORE® High-Resilience Tubing Style 500 and Easy-Load® II Pump Head 77200-62 |
Masterflex® 77919-20 L / S ® 8个通道,四辊筒泵系统,115/230 VACL/S® Eight-Channel, Four-Roller Cartridge Pump System; 115/230 VAC |
Masterflex® 77301-30 L / S ®模块化无刷数字分配驱动器,壁挂式控制器,10至600转,115/230 VACL/S® Modular brushless digital dispensing drive with wall-mount controller, 10 to 600 rpm, 115/230 VAC |
Masterflex® 77301-30 I / P ®模块化数字分配泵系统,20-650转,230VMasterflex® I/P® modular digital dispensing pump system, 20-650 rpm, 230V. |
Masterflex® 77981-10 I /P危险职责泵系统,10-430转,115VMasterflex® I/P® hazardous-duty pump system, 10-430 rpm, 115V. |
Masterflex® 77965-00 I / P精密无刷水泵模拟远程易装泵头,115/230 VACMasterflex I/P precision brushless pump with analog remote and Easy-Load pump head, 115/230 VAC |
Masterflex® 77310-00 L / S®Digi止血®分配泵系统的高性能精密管材Masterflex® L/S® Digi-Staltic® dispensing pump system for high-performance precision tubing |